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Pobelter – Awakening

The Rise and Fall of Pobelter: What’s Next for the Talented Teenager

Four years ago, fifteen-year-old Eugene “Pobelter” Park played for Curse in the 2011 Newegg Summer Wanfest tournament. Curse beat TSM twice to win the event, earning $2000 in the process.

Pobelter was considered a prodigious talent at this point in time, dominating solo-queue and tournament matches alike. He was seen as a potential legend in the North American competitive scene. However, his recent performance in the NA LCS has been disappointing.

Winterfox, his current team, has just been relegated from the NA LCS. Despite his dominance in the NA solo queue ladder, Pobelter has failed to perform well in competitive play. Winterfox has consistently finished in the bottom of the standings in every split since Pobelter joined the team.

It would be unfair to solely blame Pobelter for Winterfox’s struggles. The team has had issues with players past their primes and inconsistent performers. Additionally, Pobelter had practice issues because he was still attending college while playing for the team. However, Pobelter himself has also failed to stand out as an exceptional mid laner in the NA LCS.

Fortunately, Pobelter’s talent and reputation mean that this setback may not be the end of his professional career. There are several potential paths he could take in the NA professional scene.

Potential Paths for Pobelter

Cloud 9

Cloud 9 recently lost their mid laner, Hai. Pobelter could be a good fit for the team, as he has significant experience at a competitive level. His laid-back personality would mesh well with the team, unlike Incarnation who has a history of toxicity. While Incarnation and Yusui are also strong options, Cloud 9 may prioritize experience over unproven talent.

Counter Logic Gaming (CLG)

After another disappointing split, fans have been calling for CLG to replace their mid laner Link. Pobelter could be the logical choice as his replacement. CLG has shown a preference for experienced NA players, and signing Pobelter would continue this trend.

Back to the Challenger Scene

Pobelter could take a break from the limelight and focus on improving his competitive play in the Challenger series. He could join a super-team with other talented players looking to make a comeback, or stay with Winterfox and aim for another shot at the LCS through the promotion tournament.

In conclusion, relegation may be a blessing in disguise for Pobelter. He still has time to prove himself and explore better opportunities in the NA professional scene. However, he can no longer rely on his potential alone. If he does not step up in the coming months, he may be remembered as a solo queue god who couldn’t perform when it mattered.

Related keywords: Pobelter, NA LCS, Winterfox, Cloud 9, Counter Logic Gaming (CLG), Challenger scene