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Players yearn for the revival of this rotating game mode in LoL Arena

League of Legends Arena Mode Leaves Players Wanting Nexus Blitz

Since its release on July 20th, League of Legends’ Arena mode has sparked a fully developed meta, with AD carries, enchanters, and bruisers dominating the game. Many players have found themselves reminiscing about an old rotating mode and expressing their desire for its return.

While Arena is enjoyable at first, as players climb the ranking system, they realize that only a handful of champions with the highest win rates can guarantee success. This limitation frustrates players who would prefer to play the champions they enjoy. On July 23rd, users on League’s subreddit expressed their longing for the return of Nexus Blitz.

One player explained, “I just want a game mode where I can constantly fight and choose my champion. Arena isn’t fun when most of the games consist of tanks and bruisers that my champions can’t even damage.”

According to other players, it comes as no surprise that champions like Jax and Fiora are dominating the Arena, as they are specifically designed for such gameplay. While top laners have a great time, other players are left watching from the bottom, hoping for favorable augment rerolls.

In contrast, Nexus Blitz offers players more freedom and control over champion selection as it is a five versus five rotating game mode. Although Nexus Blitz also has its own meta during rotation, it doesn’t render half of the game’s champions useless. Players can still enjoy using their favorite champions and potentially excel in the later stages of the game.

Nexus Blitz, which was first released in 2018, is a rotating game mode that features a unique map with various mini-games occurring every few minutes. The game mode consists of 10 players and likely served as inspiration for the 2v2v2v2 mode, as one of its mini-games was Prize Fight, a series of 2v2 matches based on gold earned.

Although Nexus Blitz did not meet Riot’s initial expectations and is now one of many rotating game modes, including URF and One-for-All, players are hopeful for its return later this year. They eagerly await the chance to play mini-games like Scuttle Racing and Push the Cart once again.

League of Legends, Arena mode, Nexus Blitz, meta, champions, rotating game mode, mini-games, Riot, URF, One-for-All, Scuttle Racing, Push the Cart