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Players with Sett’s Calling Card will receive the champion at no cost.

Riot Games Makes Sett a Free Champion for Players with Calling Card

Riot Games has announced that players who have earned Sett’s Calling Card in League of Legends will now instantly unlock the champion for free. This applies to anyone who received the card, regardless of how it was obtained. The Calling Card was randomly rewarded to players who achieved 10 or more first bloods in multiple matches.

Unfortunately, for players who did not receive Sett’s Calling Card, it is unlikely that they will be able to obtain it now that Sett has been released. The only known way to unlock him is by purchasing the champion.

While making Sett a free champion for some players is a nice gesture, those who were expecting a bigger reward, such as an exclusive champion skin, may be disappointed.

Release of Riot’s Latest Video and Sett’s Champion Update

This news comes after Riot Games released a video discussing the 2020 season, which includes details about Fiddlesticks’ champion update and hints at new champions that will be released as part of an upcoming in-game event this summer. You can watch the video here.

Sett is now available in League of Legends.


Sett’s Calling Card, League of Legends, Riot Games, free champion, Sett, Fiddlesticks, 2020 season, in-game event, champion update.