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Players express disdain for League of Legends’ latest PBE item rework, granting Assassins an ‘untargetable’ passive

Massive Changes Coming to Assassin Mythic Items in League of Legends

If you love playing champions like marksmen or mid laners in League of Legends, you might not like what Riot Games has in store. Massive changes are in the works for assassin Mythic items, which could have a significant impact on the effectiveness of burst champions. These upcoming changes have already sparked controversy and concern within the community. One item, in particular, has caused quite a stir due to its revamped passive ability.

New Nightstalker Passive

Riot Games has started rolling out sweeping item changes on the PBE server for players to test, and one of the notable changes is the new version of Duskblade of Draktharr. This new version features a rebuilt Nightstalker passive. Previously, the Nightstalker passive granted invisibility for 1.5 seconds when a takedown was scored against an enemy champion within three seconds of damaging them. However, this will be replaced by the new passive once the item rework goes live.

The new Nightstalker passive brings even more power to the item. It now provides up to 15 percent extra damage based on the target’s missing health. Additionally, Duskblade users will become untargetable for 1.5 seconds if they score a takedown against an enemy champion within three seconds of damaging them.

Buff for Assassins

This change is a massive buff for assassins as it allows them to jump into the enemy team, take down a high-value target, and then safely escape using the untargetability provided by the new Nightstalker passive. With a cooldown of only 10 seconds, assassins can potentially circle around, stall, and then strike again, bursting down another target before slipping away.

However, not everyone is thrilled about this change. The League community has taken to social media to express their concerns and disbelief. Many are worried that champions like Kha’Zix, Master Yi, and Zed, known for their burst damage, will become even more problematic with the addition of untargetability.

Potential Release Date and Player Feedback

There is currently no set release date for these changes. If the new passive doesn’t resonate well with the player base, Riot Games may choose not to implement it. The community’s negative response to the potential impact of this item could lead to further adjustments to the Nightstalker passive in the future.

Related League of Legends, Riot Games, Assassin Mythic items, Burst champions, Nightstalker passive, Duskblade of Draktharr, untargetability, League community, Kha’Zix, Master Yi, Zed