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Player Reaches Diamond Rank By Exclusively Playing Full-Lethality Kled in Mid Lane

A North American Player Takes League of Legends by Storm with Full-Lethality Kled Mid

A North American player has achieved an impressive feat in League of Legends by reaching Diamond IV with a full-lethality Kled mid build, as showcased in their recent YouTube video. (Watch the video here).

This player had the audacity to experiment with an assassin Kled build, which turned out to be a brilliant decision. They discovered that Kled thrives in the mid lane even more than in the top lane, and as a result, they made it their main pick in solo queue. This unconventional strategy proved to be so powerful that the player successfully climbed all the way up to Diamond IV.

Unfortunately, this success comes at a cost. Now that this strategy has gained attention, other players will be tempted to try it out. However, they may not have the same level of experience with Kled, leading to negative experiences like reports, ragequits, and a mid lane in chaos.

In solo queue, every day brings its own challenges.

Kitty On A Dino Dominates as Kled Mid

The player who achieved this remarkable feat goes by the name Kitty On A Dino. They have played nearly 60 games as Kled mid, boasting an impressive 61 percent win rate. This serves as a testament to the idea that the meta isn’t everything in League of Legends. If you have expertise and skill with a specific champion, you can succeed with even the most unconventional picks, at least up to the Master tier.

This realization can be disheartening for many players who have dedicated countless hours to playing the game’s strongest champions, only to find themselves stuck in the lower ranks. Meanwhile, there’s a player in Diamond IV who has achieved success by exclusively playing assassin Kled mid.

It’s a reminder that sometimes, taking risks and thinking outside the box can lead to extraordinary results in the world of esports.


North American player, League of Legends, esports, Diamond IV, Kled mid, mid lane, solo queue, unconventional strategy, Kitty On A Dino, win rate, meta, Master tier, playing the meta, lower ranks, assassin Kled mid