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Petition Initiated by League of Legends Players to Remove Kleptomancy from the Game

League of Legends Players Start Petition to Remove Kleptomancy Rune

A group of League of Legends players have recently started a petition to have the keystone rune Kleptomancy removed from the game. This is the first time we’ve seen such a reaction from the community.

The petition was posted on, a popular platform for creating petitions. At the time of writing, it has garnered 31 virtual signatures, which is a significant portion of its 100 signature goal.

The petition page features an image of a baby being fed something it doesn’t want, symbolizing the players being forced to use Kleptomancy. It’s clear that these players strongly dislike this rune.

So far, the petition has only received two comments. One simply mentions “Viktor,” referring to the champion’s synergy with Kleptomancy after the recent update. Another comment describes the rune as a “cancer rune,” indicating it is overpowered.

The recent update to the rune caused it to trigger twice with basic attacks after using an ability, granting at least five gold each time. This sudden change made Kleptomancy one of the most popular runes in the game, even surpassing Dark Harvest in popularity. Champions like Morgana, Lucian, Ezreal, Kai’Sa, Draven, and Viktor have all been paired with the rune, dominating the competitive ladder.

However, even if this petition reaches its goal, it is unlikely that Riot Games will remove the rune entirely. Best case scenario would be a nerf or change to its functionality, but even that is doubtful. Despite this, we commend the players for their determination.