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Patch 9.12 updates fall short in addressing Yuumi’s nerfs

New Patch Nerf Won’t Stop Yuumi’s Domination

If there’s one thing League of Legends players know, it’s that Riot has a pattern when it comes to new champions. The latest victim of this cyclical trend is Yuumi, who is currently wreaking havoc on the game. Despite Riot’s attempts to nerf her in Patch 9.12, it seems that these changes won’t be enough to reign her in.

Yuumi’s win rates may not be impressive at the moment, but she has one thing going for her: popularity. After all, who wouldn’t want to play as an adorable cat? As players gain more experience with her, her true power becomes evident. Her endless poke and oppressive lane presence make her a force to be reckoned with.

In an effort to weaken Yuumi, Riot is focusing on her passive ability. They are reducing the mana refund at level one, making it necessary for her to hit her passive twice for the cost of one Q. Additionally, the shield she gains will be slightly weaker at higher levels. Yuumi will also receive less adaptive force when attached to an ally, and her dash can now be interrupted by crowd control effects. However, these changes may be overshadowed by a significant increase in her base health, which threatens to offset the nerfs to her kit.

Unfortunately for players looking for relief from Yuumi’s dominance, Patch 9.12 may not provide the respite they are hoping for. But for those who can’t resist playing as an adorable League champion, this patch will be a delight.

Related keywords: Yuumi, League of Legends, champion, nerf, popular, dominance, poke, passive ability, shield, base health.