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Patch 9.1 introduces enhanced damage, tankiness, and more for Kalista, Ornn, and Sejuani reworks

Patch 9.1 Introduces Reworks for Ornn, Sejuani, and Kalista in League of Legends

The first official patch of the year for League of Legends, Patch 9.1, is set to arrive this week. This patch includes three minor reworks for some of the game’s least popular champions.

Sejuani, Ornn, and Kalista will all undergo changes that will impact how they are played. These updates will result in different power spikes, strengths, and play styles for each champion. Let’s take a closer look at the reworks for Ornn, Sejuani, and Kalista.


Image via Riot Games

Base stats

  • Increased health per level by five.
  • Increased health regen by 0.4.
  • Increased health regen per level by 0.04.
  • Increased armor per level by one.
  • Raised base AD by two.

Passive: Living Forge

  • Ornn now gains a passive 10 percent bonus to armor and MR from all items.
  • At level 13, any upgradeable item Ornn owns or buys in the future is upgraded for free.
  • Starting at level 14, Ornn can upgrade an ally’s upgradable item by standing near them and clicking on them (Max of one per ally).
  • Ornn and allies can no longer pay to upgrade items.
  • New upgradable items added, including Iceborn Gauntlet, Youmuu’s Ghostblade, Blade of the Ruined King, and Luden’s Echo.

Q: Volcanic Rupture

  • Lowered mana cost.
  • Increased base damage.
  • Slow is now 40 percent at all ranks, instead of starting at 40 and scaling per level.

W: Bellows Breath

  • No longer shields Ornn.
  • Causes Ornn to be unstoppable (again).
  • Lowered cooldown and duration.
  • Reduced self-slow.
  • Significantly increased Brittle damage.

E: Searing Charge

  • Changed mana cost to 50 at all ranks, instead of scaling from 35 to 55 with level.
  • If a Q pillar is about to expire when Ornn casts E, it will now last until the dash completes.

R: Call of the Forge God

  • First cast slow now starts dramatically lower, but scales to normal power depending on distance traveled.
  • Reduced knockup power across the board.


Image via Riot Games

Base stats

  • Increased health per level by 17.
  • Increased base armor by three.
  • Increased armor per level by 1.25.
  • Increased base MR by five.
  • Increased MR per level by 0.5.
  • Increased AD per level by one.

Passive: Fury of the North

  • Changed to scale with bonus MR and armor, instead of level and total resistances.
  • Lingers for one more second.

Q: Arctic Assault

  • Increased base damage.

W: Winter’s Wrath

  • Increased second hit damage.
  • Normalized second hit slow duration to 0.25 seconds.

E: Permafrost

  • Reduced stun duration to one second at all ranks.
  • Lowered range.
  • Significantly increased damage.


Image via Riot Games

Base stats

  • Increased base AD by five.
  • Increased AD per level by 0.4.
  • Increased attack speed by 0.5 percent.

Q: Pierce

  • Increased base damage.

W: Sentinel

  • Kalista no longer gains AD when near an Oathsworn.

E: Rend

  • Now deals 50 percent less damage to epic monsters.