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Patch 8.4 to introduce Rengar’s mixed rework and revert

Rengar Rework: A Return to His Roots

Rengar, one of the most reworked champions in the game, is about to undergo another rework, according to Riot’s post on the official League of Legends forums. This time, the rework will not only be an update but also a partial reversion to one of Rengar’s old kits.

It should be noted that the changes listed for Rengar in Patch 8.4 are experimental, meaning they may differ from the final version that goes live.

Q Ability Reversal

Fans have long been calling for a reversal of the changes made to Rengar’s Q ability at the end of 2016. The primary aspect of this rework is turning his Q back into an enhanced basic attack, complete with the basic attack reset that was once part of its mechanics.

Furthermore, the animation for the Q ability has been sped up to make it feel less sluggish. This ensures that the ability looks and feels more like his old Q. Additionally, all of Rengar’s skins and their animations have been updated to include this ability, minimizing any bugs or visual inconsistencies.

Tweaks to Passive Bonetooth Necklace and Ultimate Ability

The passive ability Bonetooth Necklace is also undergoing changes. It will now provide scaling bonus AD (attack damage) and AP (ability power), as opposed to a small amount of AD on top of bonus AD. However, the leap distance provided by his passive has been halved, which serves as a nerf. This change is likely made to compensate for the increased power of his Q ability.

The next major change is to his ultimate ability, Thrill of the Hunt. The range at which enemies can detect Rengar has been significantly reduced from 2,000 to 4,000 units to a flat 1,600, giving Rengar a considerable buff. The range at which Rengar can track an enemy has slightly increased at the first level but slightly decreased at the final rank. The movement speed boost has also been increased from a flat 40 percent to a scaling 40 to 60 percent, depending on rank. When Rengar leaps onto a target, he will now deal a burst of ability damage instead of just landing an automatic crit.

A Rebalanced Rengar

Overall, with the nerfs to his leap distance and passive and the buffs to his Q and ultimate abilities, this rework/revert should significantly boost Rengar’s power.

Commas-separated keywords: Rengar, rework, League of Legends, Q ability, Bonetooth Necklace, Thrill of the Hunt, buffs, nerfs.