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Patch 5.13 Update: Overview of Changes and Revamped AP Items with Improved Gold Efficiencies

Patch 5.13 Rundown

Here is a summary of the upcoming patch 5.13. I will discuss the changes, their implications, and the gold efficiencies of the reworked AP items.

Fixed Death Recap

The death recap has finally been fixed. This will help players understand how much damage they took and the abilities of other champions. It’s especially beneficial for less experienced players.

Slow Stacking Gone

In this patch, slow stacking has been removed. This prevents low mobility champions from being constantly slowed. It also forces teams to think about how they use their slow crowd control abilities. This is a major change that will take some time to get used to.

Tahm Kench

Tahm Kench introduces interesting mechanics to the support role. He is good at trading early on and provides a strong tanking shield for tower dives. His ultimate can be used for preventing the enemy team from taking dragon or for unique ganks, flanks, and dives. There are many scenarios where he can be valuable.

Interesting Mechanics: Swallow enemy carry and have Kalista Fate’s Call you back into tower. Swallow the enemy carry and throw him up on a Caitlyn trap.

Fixes/Buffs/Nerfs To Champions

Ekko: No changes

Jayce: Improved ultimate power spike

Kalista: Reduced auto damage, but still remains strong

Kayle: Increased damage through leveling up E

Kennen: Bug fix for his W

Nautilus: Slight nerf to riptide damage

Rek’sai: Un-burrow radius nerfed

Singed: Buff to fling and magic resist growth

Skarner: Minor fix

Syndra: Bug fix for scatter the weak and no longer loses spheres with wind wall or shield

Thresh: Bug fixes for lantern

Veigar: Ultimate gets bigger as he gets stronger

AP Xin Zhao: Small nerf to battle cry

Zilean: Can’t cast rewind when Q and E aren’t on cooldown

Pulsefire Ezreal: Improved responsiveness

Non-AP Item Changes

Enchantment- Devourer: Major changes to stack-building potential

Enchantment- Runeglaive: Bug fix, nerf to AP, but still strong for AP Ezreal

Righteous Glory: Slight nerf to cooldown and health

Spirit Visage: Buff for sustain supports like Alistar and Janna

AP Item Changes With Gold Efficiency Changes

Needlessly Large Rod: Cheaper, but with less AP

Rabadon’s Deathcap: More expensive, but with additional AP bonus

Zhonya’s Hourglass: Cheaper and slight increase in AP

Luden’s Echo: Cheaper with increased movement speed

Rylai’s Crystal Scepter: More expensive, but with stronger slows

Archangel’s Staff: More expensive, but with additional AP

Rod of Ages: Cheaper, but with reduced health and slower stacking

Liandry’s Torment: More expensive, but with increased AP

Void Staff: More expensive, but still offers AP penetration

Nashor’s Tooth: Slight increase in AP, but cost slightly more

Will of the Ancients: Buffed for champions who normally wouldn’t benefit from spell vamp

For the full spreadsheet comparing the old and new AP items, you can visit this link: []

Credits to Riot’s patch notes, Riot’s picture of Tahm, and League of Legends Wikia for assistance with the gold efficiency calculations.

Patch 5.13, esports news, League of Legends, AP items, item changes