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Patch 13.13 could revive 2 jungle champions with new buffs in League of Legends

League of Legends Patch 13.13 Preview: Buffs for Lee Sin and Nidalee

Riot Games is making some changes to the game’s champions and systems in preparation for Patch 13.13 on June 28. Lead designer Riot Phroxzon teased players with buffs for two of League of Legends’ oldest and most recognizable junglers: Lee Sin and Nidalee. These buffs will be available for testing on League’s PBE in the coming days, with full details to be announced tomorrow.

Since the major item overhaul in May, the jungle meta in League of Legends has seen slight shifts. Previously underused picks such as Kindred and Rek’Sai have experienced a surge in win rates, while former meta picks have fallen out of favor. However, the pick and win rates for both Nidalee and Lee Sin have remained relatively stable heading into the next patch.

Riot’s attention will also be on the recently-changed champion Rell, who will receive adjustments in this patch. Specifically, nerfs will be aimed at her support role while buffs will be implemented to improve her jungle potential. Additionally, Riot will address the interaction of Katarina and Samira with Duskblade of Draktharr, ensuring their ultimates cannot be interrupted upon securing a kill.

Item Adjustments

Aside from champion changes, adjustments are also coming to Essence Reaver and Stormrazor. Stormrazor has become a must-buy for almost every ADC as their first purchase, highlighting its overpowered state after recent changes to its stats and effects.

All of these changes, including the buffs for Lee Sin and Nidalee, will be available for testing on League’s PBE in the coming days. Please note that these adjustments may be subject to further changes during the testing period before their expected release on the live servers on June 28.

League of Legends, Patch 13.13, buffs, Lee Sin, Nidalee, jungle meta, Rell, item adjustments, Essence Reaver, Stormrazor.