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Patch 13.12 includes a nerf to League’s second-most popular item

Riot Games Changing Systems in Patch 13.12, Including Nerfs to Popular Item Galeforce

Riot Games has announced several changes to be implemented in the upcoming Patch 13.12, set to release on June 14. Among these changes are nerfs to various systems, including one of the most popular items in the game, Galeforce.

Game Tweaks Revealed on Twitter

On June 6, Matt “Phroxzon” Leung-Harrison took to Twitter to reveal the changes coming in Patch 13.12. Five system buffs and seven nerfs will be introduced, with significant tweaks made to Galeforce that will impact AD carry players the most.

Galeforce currently holds the second-highest pick rate among all champions, with a 75.2 percent pick rate, according to stats from Leagueofitems. This item is highly favored due to its unique active ability and powerful stats that allow AD carries to quickly reach their full potential. However, in Patch 13.12, Galeforce will receive a nerf.

The developers have decided to reduce Galeforce’s attack damage to 50 and change the converter of active damage to 45 percent bonus AD. This will result in a nerf until 445 bonus AD, primarily affecting the early and mid-game stages of the match.

AD carries will face additional nerfs in Patch 13.12. The cost of Bloodthirster will increase by 200 gold, slowing down the progression of marksmen and bruisers in obtaining the item. Overheal and Rapid Firecannon will also receive nerfs specifically targeting ADCs.

However, it’s not all bad news for marksmen. Stattik Shiv and Phantom Dancer will receive slight buffs, while Immortal Shieldbow and Moonstone Renewer will see significant boosts.

Major Champion Adjustments in Patch 13.12

Patch 13.12 will not only bring changes to items and systems but also major adjustments to several champions. Lucian and Rumble will undergo gameplay shifts, and numerous other champions will receive buffs or nerfs. The update is set to go live on Wednesday, June 14.

Stay tuned for the full Patch 13.12 patch notes to learn more about the changes coming to the game.

Riot Games, Patch 13.12, Galeforce, items, nerfs, AD carry, marksmen, bruisers, buffs, champion adjustments.