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Patch 12.9 brings anticipated Hullbreaker nerfs to League of Legends’ PBE, soon to be released

Riot Games Nerfs Hullbreaker in League of Legends

Riot Games is targeting Hullbreaker, one of the most effective items for split-pushing in League of Legends, for a set of nerfs. The changes, currently being tested on the League Public Beta Environment (PBE), will result in a more serious nerf to the item.

The nerfs to Hullbreaker focus on its passive ability. Auto-attacks from champions will only have increased potency against turrets, whereas the current version of Hullbreaker gives extra auto-attack damage against all targets. It also provides a 20% bonus damage to structures if no other allied champions are nearby.

In addition to the nerfs on its passive, Hullbreaker’s armor granted to nearby allied minions is also being decreased. Currently, the item gives anywhere between 60 to 180 armor to friendly minions, but on the PBE, it will only grant 30 to 90 armor depending on the player’s level.

While the base stats of Hullbreaker remain unchanged on the PBE, the changes to its passive and armor would likely go live on Patch 12.9. However, these changes will not affect the upcoming Mid-Season Invitational, which will be played on Patch 12.8.

If the changes are ready for Patch 12.9, they are expected to go live on Wednesday, May 11, according to the game’s official patch schedule.

Riot Games, League of Legends, Hullbreaker, nerfs, PBE, mid-season invitational