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Patch 11.12 to Bring Nerfs for Wukong and Buffs for Hecarim in League

Hecarim Receives Buffs in Patch 11.12 as Dr. Mundo Rework Takes Center Stage

Hecarim, one of the favorite champions in the League of Legends jungle, is receiving buffs once again after the previous patch. Mark “Scruffy” Yetter, the gameplay design director, has unveiled the planned nerfs and buffs for Patch 11.12. This update will focus solely on champions and will also include the highly anticipated mobility system updates. However, Patch 11.12 will be relatively light on changes as the highlight of the update is the long-awaited rework of Dr. Mundo.

According to Scruffy, the changes in this patch, which is set to be released on June 9, are subject to alterations before going live. The information provided gives players a preview of what to expect but may not be final.

In Patch 11.12, the top lane will see significant changes as several champions are receiving nerfs. Wukong, Nasus, Gnar, and Renekton, who have been dominating the lane with their itemization and offensive power, will be hit with substantial nerfs.

Wukong, in particular, has seen a resurgence in the top lane meta due to the use of Divine Sunderer and Conqueror. His mobility, consistent damage, and crowd control have quickly propelled him to the top of the leaderboards. According to statistics from the League stats site,, Wukong’s win rate and pick rate have increased by around two percent since Patch 11.10.

In the bot lane, Kai’Sa and Varus have been dominating the ADC role. To make room for other champions, both Kai’Sa and Varus will receive substantial nerfs. Varus, despite not being at the top of ADC usage rates, boasts strong build paths with limited counterplay. On the other hand, Kai’Sa has been a powerhouse throughout multiple metas, making her nerfs long overdue.

However, not all changes in Patch 11.12 are nerfs. Some top laners, such as Malphite and Illaoi, will receive buffs. Additionally, Dr. Mundo will undergo changes to his passive in preparation for his rework, although the specifics are not yet known. In the jungle, Hecarim and Rammus will receive substantial buffs, allowing them to gain an advantage around the map.

Ziggs, Aphelios, and Draven are some of the other champions receiving buffs in this patch, although the details are still unclear. These champions are known for their high damage output in their respective lanes but have been overshadowed by other champions, including the soon-to-be-nerfed Kai’Sa and Varus.

As Patch 11.12 approaches, players can expect a mix of nerfs and buffs to shake up the meta. However, it’s important to remember that these changes are tentative and may be modified before the patch goes live on June 9.

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Hecarim, Patch 11.12, Dr. Mundo, League of Legends, buffs, nerfs, top lane, Wukong, Kai’Sa, Varus, jungle, ADC, esports news