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Parth could potentially resign as TSM’s head coach

TSM Strategic Coach Parth Naidu May Be Stepping Down After Worlds Disappointment

Parth Naidu, TSM’s strategic coach for almost three years, hinted at potentially leaving his role following his team’s disappointing performance at Worlds. In a tweet posted yesterday, Naidu expressed his emotions regarding the outcome of the tournament. (Embed YouTube video: [Youtube video URL])

TSM’s Underwhelming Performance at Worlds

TSM faced defeat against both the Flash Wolves and Team WE during the weekend, resulting in a final day record of 3-4. This placed them behind Team WE and Misfits, resulting in their elimination from the tournament. It is worth noting that TSM had previously outperformed both of these teams in the previous week.

TSM’s Struggles at Worlds

This is the third consecutive year that TSM has failed to advance past the group stage at Worlds, making their fans extremely critical of their performance. While it is true that TSM was outperformed on their final day, it is unfair to put the blame solely on any one player or staff member. Each teammate had their failures, just as often as the team made poor draft choices.

Issues Within TSM’s Gameplay

The usual dynamic duo of Søren “Bjergsen” Bjerg and Dennis “Svenskeren” Johnsen showed lackluster performance, focusing more on farming rather than engaging proactively, setting up plays, or making picks. Regardless of the heavy pressure on the side lanes, the duo remained stagnant. There was a lack of both proactive and reactive play from the team.

Similarly, the side lanes prioritized survival until the late game, relying on power spikes. Instead of playing safe, gaining vision control, or rotating to defend against dives, both the bot and top lanes repeatedly returned to their lanes after death. It seemed like a different TSM compared to the aggressive and confident team we saw in the NA LCS. They played not to lose, rather than playing to win.

Uncertainty Surrounding TSM’s Future

In an interview with Riot Games prior to their match against Misfits, Vincent “Biofrost” Wang expressed his concerns, saying that failing to advance would result in negative repercussions for the team. Parth later corrected his initial tweet, clarifying that it was an emotional response and that official updates regarding roster or staff changes would be provided. This situation could potentially mark the beginning of major changes within the TSM roster, as Parth has been with the organization for a significant period. The future remains uncertain for TSM and their fans.

TSM, Parth Naidu, strategic coach, Worlds, disappointment, roster changes, performance, failure, criticism, gameplay, uncertainty.