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Pantheon’s Spectacular Ultimate Steals Elder Dragon and Secures Victory by Decimating Enemy Team

Elder Dragon Theft with Pantheon Ult: A Game-Changing Play

In League of Legends, the Elder Dragon is a game-defining objective. Once a team secures its powerful buff, victory is almost guaranteed, leaving the opposing team helpless as their health bars dwindle in the next teamfight.

Recently, a video clip surfaced on Reddit showcasing a remarkable play by a Pantheon player. With the help of Pantheon’s ultimate ability, they managed to steal the Elder Dragon buff just moments before it was secured by the enemy team.

In the clip, the Pantheon player used Grand Starfall (R) to initiate their attack. They targeted the dragon pit with precision, timing their arrival perfectly as the enemy team had brought the Elder Dragon’s health below 50%. The second part of Grand Skyfall dealt enough damage to secure the objective, snatching it from the clutches of the enemy team.

This play prevented disaster for the Pantheon’s team, as the enemy team had already secured the previous four dragons, including a Cloud Soul. Acquiring the Elder buff would have put victory out of reach for the Pantheon’s team.

With the Elder Dragon buff now in their possession, the Pantheon player swiftly eliminated the remaining enemy players in the dragon pit, who had done most of the work in weakening the dragon. The enemy team’s jungler and support, playing Diana and Blitzcrank, were quickly dispatched by a combination of abilities and the Elder Dragon’s execution effect.

The Pantheon’s last target was an Akshan player, whom they swiftly eliminated to secure the ace and initiate the final push for victory. According to the Reddit post, the Pantheon’s team emerged victorious in the game.

Elder Dragon, Pantheon, ultimate ability, buff, League of Legends, steal, teamfight, enemy team, victory, Reddit, play, clip