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Over 60% of LCS players believe the top lane has the lowest impact in professional play.

League of Legends Top Lane: Is It Really the Least Impactful?

Many professional League of Legends players consider the top lane to be isolated, without much influence on the outcome of the game. In an anonymous survey conducted by Kien Lam, a writer at Riot Games, over 60 percent of LCS players agreed that the top lane has the least impact in professional play.

During the survey, players mentioned that the top lane only matters when facing exceptional talents like Kang “TheShy” Seung-lok, who is renowned as one of the best top laners in the world. However, for regular top laners, professional players believe they have little effect on the game.

The Influence of Mid and Jungle in Pro Play

According to the same survey, LCS professionals identified the jungle and mid lane as the most influential positions in professional play. More than 40 percent of players voted for the jungle, while 43 percent voted for the mid lane. This reasoning aligns with the success of FunPlus Phoenix at Worlds 2019.

FunPlus Phoenix’s victory was largely attributed to the strong synergy between their mid laner and jungler. These roles have a significant impact on their respective lanes as well as the entire map. Mid laners, in particular, are expected to roam, provide information, and protect the jungler during skirmishes. The contribution of the mid laner and jungler to the game cannot be overstated.

The Changing Priorities in LCS

As the new season approaches, teams in the LCS have focused on acquiring talented mid laners and junglers to strengthen their rosters. While top laners still hold value, they may not be the highest priority for teams currently.


The top lane in League of Legends has often been labeled as the least impactful position in professional play. Professional players themselves acknowledge this perception, with the majority affirming that the top lane has limited influence on the outcome of games. However, the mid lane and jungle positions have emerged as the most influential roles in recent times. Teams now prioritize securing skilled mid laners and junglers to lead them to victory.

League of Legends, LCS, professional play, top lane, mid lane, jungle, game impact