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Outstanding LoL Duo Reigns Over 4 Patches with an Astonishing Win Rate in 13.16

Ashe and Soraka: The Unbeatable League of Legends Duo

When it comes to League of Legends duos, some are just better than others. And for the past four patches, one combination has stood above the rest, showing no signs of slowing down.

According to the stat site U.GG, Ashe and Soraka currently boast an impressive win rate of 56.41 percent in Platinum and above ranks [source]. In fact, they are the only duo to surpass the 56 percent threshold and have consistently held the No. 1 spot since Patch 13.13.

In the previous three patches, Soraka and Ashe also maintained a stellar win rate above 55 percent, showcasing their undeniable strength in the game.

Why the Ashe and Soraka Duo Dominates

Ashe drawing her bow in Frejlord.
A new study shows Ashe’s ultimate arrow is often seen before death by a lot of League of Legends champions. Image via Riot Games

In Patch 13.16’s meta, which heavily emphasizes teamfighting and early-game advantage, Ashe and Soraka excel in both areas [source]. Ashe’s global ultimate, which boasts the game’s longest stun, makes her a formidable pick in teamfights. If an opponent, especially a squishy one, gets hit by Ashe’s Enchanted Crystal Arrow, their chances of survival are slim. Similarly, Soraka’s ultimate and W ability provide crucial support in keeping teammates alive.

Furthermore, during the laning phase, Soraka’s Q and Ashe’s W serve as effective poke tools to keep enemies at a distance. This allows for easy farming and potential early kills, especially with the help of a jungler [source].

The Risks of Playing Ashe and Soraka

Despite their dominance, it’s important to note that both Soraka and Ashe are relatively squishy. If they fall behind early, they can quickly become useless and vulnerable to being deleted in mid-game skirmishes. However, if played strategically, their power duo can be unstoppable.

Related: One LoL champ appears to have been buffed, but Riot forgot to put them in the patch notes

League of Legends, esports, gaming, Ashe and Soraka duo, Patch 13.16