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Outcomes of League of Legends Patch 12.20: Identifying the Victors and Those at a Disadvantage

League of Legends Patch 12.20: Halloween Skins and Balance Changes

It’s that time of year again in Runeterra where Halloween has arrived in League of Legends. The Halloween-exclusive skins like Zombie Brand and Bewitching Nidalee are available once more. But with Patch 12.20, there are also important balance changes that Riot Games needed to address.

Several champions have been dominating the game, such as Aatrox and Maokai during Worlds 2022. To counter their dominance, Maokai and Aatrox received well-deserved nerfs in this patch. Additionally, champions like Jayce, Rammus, Elise, and Evelynn have received buffs to make them more viable in the current meta.

Items like Frozen Heart and Demonic Embrace, which have been powerful for a long time, are also being adjusted in this patch.

Champion Winners of Patch 12.20

Some forgotten champions like Elise and Evelynn received buffs, but these changes may not have a significant impact on the meta. On the other hand, Rammus and Jayce have greatly benefited from their buffs.

Jayce’s buffs have increased his mana restoration on Lightning Field, making him a stronger poker in the laning phase and mid to late game. He also receives additional stats based on his bonus AD from Transform Mercury Hammer. These buffs will make Jayce a formidable opponent in the top lane.

Rammus, finally free from self-slow on Defensive Ball Curl, can now chase down enemy AD carries more effectively. His ultimate, Roaring Slam, has also received improvements in dash speed. These changes will increase Rammus’s win rate and help him secure those hard-to-get kills.

The Sterak’s Gage item has received consistent buffs and is now a strong choice for bruisers and juggernauts with increased base AD and a larger shield.

Honorable Mentions

Akshan and Blitzcrank are also notable mentions in this patch. Akshan’s ability to spin around structures infinitely gives him an advantage in top lane and mid lane against bruisers and assassins. Meanwhile, Blitzcrank received additional buffs for the jungle role, which may increase his priority there.

Champion Losers of Patch 12.20

Maokai and Aatrox, the dominant champions in top lane and jungle, have received nerfs, although they may only have a minor impact on their early game strength. The main losers of this patch are the ranged users of Demonic Embrace and abusers of Frozen Heart.

The nerfs to Demonic Embrace primarily affect ranged users like Morgana, Malzahar, Vel’Koz, and Lilia. The burn damage per tick has been reduced for them specifically.

Frozen Heart has become more expensive by 200 gold and its Rock Solid Damage Reduction has been adjusted. This means champions like Nasus can no longer rush it and should consider building it as a second or third option.

With Patch 12.20, there are exciting changes to explore in League of Legends. Stay tuned for more updates!

League of Legends, Patch 12.20, Halloween skins, balance changes, buffs, nerfs, champions, meta, items, Akshan, Blitzcrank, Maokai, Aatrox, Demonic Embrace, Frozen Heart