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Ornn dominates Akshan in head-to-head clash

League of Legends: Ornn Outplays Akshan in Top Lane

When it comes to the top lane in League of Legends, champions are often left to their own accord. This can lead to two outcomes: players either focus on farming or engage in constant battles.

In a recent clip shared by TwTvMakkro0 on Reddit, the latter situation unfolded.

The player, who was controlling Ornn, found themselves up against Akshan. Given Akshan’s mobility and ability to create distance between himself and his opponent, it may have seemed like he had the upper hand. However, that wasn’t the case.

The clip starts with both players farming minions around the seven-minute mark. Akshan had a larger wave built up, and it seemed like Ornn would be pushed under his turret. Akshan also had a stronger inventory with three Long Swords and a Cull, implying that he was well-prepared for trades.

But Ornn had other plans.

Ornn uses his Volcanic Rupture (Q) towards the enemy minions to clear the wave. Unexpectedly, the ability hits Akshan instead, opening the door for Ornn to launch an all-in attack.

Volcanic Rupture is followed by Searing Charge (E) and Call of the Forge God (R). The knock-up effect from the former ability provides Ornn with an ideal opportunity to use his ultimate once more, knocking Akshan up again and making him vulnerable.

From there, Akshan’s fate is sealed. Ornn uses Bellows Breath (W), and despite Akshan’s attempts to escape using Flash, Ornn follows with a Flash of his own. Finally, Ornn closes the gap and sends Akshan back to the fountain.

TwTvMakkro0 is renowned for his mastery of Ornn, having played 28 games as the Fire below the Mountain this season, according to

This video serves as a valuable lesson for all League players, particularly those who favor the top lane. Never underestimate Ornn—his crowd control abilities and damage can quickly lead to defeat.

League of Legends, top lane, Ornn, Akshan, farming, battles, mobility, inventory, Volcanic Rupture, Searing Charge, Call of the Forge God, Bellows Breath, Flash, TwTvMakkro0,