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Origen Secures a Spot in World Championships

Origen, Fnatic, and H2K Gaming will represent Europe at the upcoming League of Legends World Championships. Origen secured their spot after winning the European Regional Qualifiers.

Last week, Origen experienced a 2-3 loss in the European finals against Fnatic. However, the team bounced back and emerged as the winner of the regional qualifiers.

This year, the qualification process for Worlds changed. The second and third place finishers are no longer guaranteed a spot. Instead, the invites include the Summer Split champions (Fnatic), the team with the most Championship Points between the two splits (H2K), and the winner of the regional qualifiers.

In the gauntlet, Origen defeated both Unicorns of Love and ROCCAT. ROCCAT provided tough competition, taking the Origen squad to five games before dropping out. On the other hand, Unicorns of Love didn’t put up much of a fight and lost in a 3-0 victory for Origen.

Origen has had a great rookie season. Formed by Enrique “xPeke” Cedeño Martínez, who previously played for Fnatic, and joined by Spanish player Alfonso “mithy” Aguirre Rodriguez, they recruited Maurice “Amazing” Stückenschneider, Paul “sOAZ” Boyer, and solo queue star Jesper “Niels” Svenningsen.

After an impressive run in the 2015 Spring Challenger Series, Origen defeated Copenhagen Wolves Academy in the finals, earning them an auto-qualification into the League Championship Series.

The groups for Worlds have not been drawn yet. The event will kick off on October 1 in Paris, France at Les Docks de Paris.

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Photo via Riot Games/Flickr