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OpTic Coach Zaboutine Reflects: “We Proved Our Detractors Wrong Last Year, Came Close to Playoffs”

OpTic Head Coach Discusses Team’s Expectations and Roster Improvements

In a recent interview, OpTic head coach Thomas “Zaboutine” Si-Hassen addressed the skepticism surrounding his team’s performance. Despite acknowledging the doubts, Zaboutine remains confident in the potential of his roster, which consists of rookies and misfits. He points to their impressive showing in the Summer Split playoffs last year as evidence of their capabilities.

The Coach’s Approach

Zaboutine’s hiring in 2017 was based on his expertise in managing personalities and his experience analyzing the international gaming scene. Although he admits needing to learn the nuances of coaching, he believes his core competencies remain unchanged. He now provides more confident feedback to his team, having witnessed their improvement under his guidance. He also stresses the importance of adapting to the needs of the players.

Acquiring Crown and Defying Expectations

OpTic surprised fans by signing mid laner Lee “Crown” Min-ho, a former world champion. Despite a challenging year with Gen.G, Zaboutine defends Crown’s skill and believes he can make a significant impact on the team. Crown himself has expressed a desire for redemption after Gen.G’s disappointing performance at Worlds.

A Promising Roster and Team Dynamics

OpTic’s roster also includes top laner Niship “Dhokla” Doshi, support Terry “Big” Chuong, and jungler William “Meteos” Hartman. The addition of Crown allows Meteos more flexibility in adapting to the meta and game strategy. The team has also acquired Joshua “Dardoch” Hartnett as a backup jungler, with all players showing support for his inclusion.

Zaboutine emphasizes the importance of chemistry and believes in the potential of his roster. Despite the challenges they may face, he is confident that with the right game philosophy, talented players, and management’s trust, they will achieve success.

Related keywords: OpTic, Esports, League of Legends, LCS, Thomas Si-Hassen, Zaboutine, Crown, Meteos, Dardoch