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Only Cloud9 lacks an LCS champion in their NA team roster.

Cloud9 Dominates North American League of Legends

Cloud9 has emerged as the leading team in North America’s League of Legends scene over the past five weeks, leaving their competition far behind. Despite none of their players having won an LCS championship before, the team has exceeded expectations with their exceptional performance.

In fact, only one player on Cloud9’s roster, AD carry Zven, has previously won a regional championship in the 2017 EU LCS Summer Split with G2 Esports. Apart from Zven, the rest of the team has yet to secure any major titles.

While every other NA team has at least one player with an LCS championship under their belt, Cloud9’s success showcases the impact of refreshed talent in a stagnating league.

Rising Stars: Blaber and Vulcan

Cloud9’s roster for this year includes two players who only have one year of competitive experience – Blaber and Vulcan. These 20-year-olds made their mark in 2019, with Blaber gaining exposure during the regular season and Worlds, and Vulcan debuting in the LCS with Clutch Gaming.

Today, both Blaber and Vulcan stand as some of the top players in their respective roles. Supported by Zven, top laner Licorice, and mid laner Nisqy, these young talents have played a crucial role in Cloud9’s flawless 10-0 record.

Cloud9: Pioneer in Talent Development

Discovering and nurturing young, up-and-coming talent is a rare occurrence in North American League of Legends. However, Cloud9 has taken the lead in identifying and developing players to their full potential. The hunger for success from the entire team shines through their exceptional gameplay.

This outstanding performance from Cloud9 sets them apart from other teams in the LCS. However, it also raises a question about the region’s overall competitiveness- does Cloud9’s success reflect their development as a team or does it expose the weaknesses of the North American scene? This question will likely be answered as the split progresses and teams find synergy amongst their players.

Cloud9, North America, League of Legends, LCS, esports