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One Year Anniversary Celebration: A Night of Competitions by Doesplay

Doesplay: A Premier eSports Organization

Doesplay has had a successful year. They started out as an informational service for competitive gamers, but quickly became a premier eSports organization. They now host their own tournaments on various platforms and titles.

Competitions for All Gamers

If you’re interested in competing, Doesplay offers daily tournaments on Call of Duty Advanced Warfare, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, and Hearthstone. They cater to both casual and competitive gamers, attracting a wide range of players.

The Friendly Atmosphere

Doesplay is known for its friendly atmosphere. Many players, including well-known figures in the Australian eSports scene, enjoy the welcoming environment. Casual gamers have the opportunity to experience the competitive nature of video games in a supportive setting.

Upcoming Events and Premium Membership

Doesplay will be hosting four events on July 13th to celebrate their one-year anniversary. Additionally, they offer a premium membership, which includes access to exclusive competitions, cash prizes, and player stat recording.

Doesplay, eSports organization, competitive gamer, tournaments, Call of Duty Advanced Warfare, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, Hearthstone, friendly atmosphere, casual gamers, competitive nature, video games, Australian eSports scene, events, premium membership, cash prizes, player stat recording