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One League of Legends champion seems to have received a buff, yet Riot omitted it from the patch notes.

A Secret Buff Discovered in League of Legends, Not Found in Patch Notes

A League of Legends player recently stumbled upon a surprising buff that wasn’t mentioned anywhere in Riot Games’ patch notes. The player discovered that Kassadin’s ultimate ability, Riftwalk, received a significant increase in Ability Power ratios from 40 percent to 60 percent. Despite the lack of official documentation, it seems that the buff has made its way into the game.

According to a thread on the League of Legends subreddit, the change to Kassadin’s ultimate ability was not listed in the recent patch notes. This suggests that the buff was either unintentionally released or intentionally released without proper announcement. Regardless, the champion received a 20 percent increase to his ultimate ability that went undocumented.

It’s unclear whether the buff was an oversight or intentionally released without announcement. Kassadin was not mentioned in any official patch notes or previews, leaving this undocumented 20 percent buff to his ultimate ability a mystery.

Cosmic Reaver Kassadin splash art, League of Legends
Are these Kassadin buffs for real, or should we expect them to get reverted? Image via Riot Games

While Kassadin did receive buffs to his Null Sphere (Q), Nether Blade (W), and Riftwalk (R) in Arena mode, the champion has not received any listed or official changes on Summoner’s Rift since Patch 13.3 in February.

The undocumented buffs to Kassadin seem to be having an impact on his win rate. According to statistics from LoL site U.GG, his win rate has increased from 49.98 percent in Patch 13.14 to over 51 percent in Patches 13.15 and 13.16. It’s possible that these changes have been in effect for at least one full patch cycle.

As of now, Kassadin does not have any documented changes planned for Patch 13.17, scheduled to go live on August 30. However, it’s possible that the 20 percent buff to Riftwalk will either be reverted or officially acknowledged in the upcoming patch.

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League of Legends, Kassadin, buff, patch notes, ultimte ability, Riftwalk, undocumented changes, win rate