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Olaf and Tryndamere Face Off Against the Battlecast Army in the Latest Page of Olaf vs. Everything

Olaf vs. Everything: New Page of League of Legends Comic Collab

The latest page of the League of Legends comic collab, “Olaf vs. Everything,” is here, and Olaf might have made a new friend.

If you missed the previous page, check out our recap from last week.

Until now, Olaf has been bouncing between different skin universes and has finally landed in the world of Battlecast creations. First, he encountered Chemtech Tryndamere, Viktor’s latest test subject. They had a brief skirmish before Tryndamere escaped with Olaf in pursuit.

Last week’s page ended with Viktor and his Battlecast creations ready to attack Olaf as he chased Tryndamere. Viktor orders his crew to capture Tryndamere and get rid of any witnesses.

In today’s page, Olaf’s chase is interrupted by an attack from the Battlecast foes, including Vel’Koz, Kog’Maw, Cho’Gath, and Urgot. When Olaf and Tryndamere fight back, Vel’Koz questions Tryndamere if he’s friends with Olaf, but Tryndamere denies any connection. The page ends with the two characters, outnumbered but fighting together against Viktor’s creations.

New pages release every Monday, so don’t forget to check back next week and find out what happens next.

League of Legends, Olaf vs. Everything, comic collab, Battlecast creations, Chemtech Tryndamere, Viktor, Vel’Koz, Kog’Maw, Cho’Gath, Urgot