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OhReaL’s Path to Becoming an Elite AD: An In-Depth Analysis of ahq’s AN

Chou “AN” Chun-An: A Journey to Becoming the Best ADC in Taiwan

Chou “AN” Chun-An, also known as OhReaL in the past, has been playing competitive League of Legends in Taiwan since January of 2013. Despite going through three role swaps, AN has remained one of the most talented players in Taiwan.

AN’s Early Career

AN started his career as the jungler for the Taipei Snipers, a sister team to the Taipei Assassins. He showed promise as a rookie player and performed well in his first big tournament, the Gigabyte StarsWar League.

AN’s Transition to the Mid Lane

AN later transitioned to the mid lane and showcased his mechanics and teamfighting abilities. However, he didn’t quite fit the role that the Taipei Snipers needed, and the team dissolved.

AN’s Rebirth as an ADC

AN found his true calling as an ADC when he joined the ahq e-Sports Club. He became a crucial component of the team’s success, showcasing his mechanics and teamfight sense in the bot lane.

AN’s Journey to Worlds

AN’s dominant performances in the playoffs secured ahq e-Sports Club a spot in the 2015 Season World Championship. After numerous setbacks and role swaps, AN finally has the opportunity to prove himself on the international stage.

Related Chou AN Chun-An, League of Legends, Taiwan, ADC, Taipei Snipers, Gigabyte StarsWar League, mid lane, ahq e-Sports Club, 2015 Season World Championship, League of Legends esports