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Oh My God achieves first victory of 2021 LPL Summer Split, surprising Invictus Gaming

Oh My God Defeats Invictus Gaming in LPL Summer Split

Oh My God (OMG) emerged victorious with a 2-1 series win over Invictus Gaming (IG) in the 2021 LPL Summer Split. IG, the 2018 world champions, struggled with coordination issues throughout this split’s games.

IG faced challenges right from the start of the split as their top laner, TheShy, was unable to participate. As a result, rookie top laner Zhao “neny” Zhi-Hao is filling in for him. While neny has been holding his ground against opponents, IG has been unable to execute their strategy effectively without their powerful solo laners dominating their lanes.

Key MVP Votes

In the series against IG, mid-laner Lian “Creme” Jian stood out and was awarded the first MVP vote. He showcased his skill with Akali, demolishing IG in teamfights with well-executed flanks. Creme finished the game with an impressive 6/1/7 KDA and a significant gold lead over IG’s mid laner Rookie. The second MVP vote went to support Liu “Cold” Shi-Yu, who dominated the opposing bottom lane as Rell and played a crucial role in securing the series win with his map control and roaming ganks.

Watch the highlights of the series: [YouTube video URL]

Akali’s Impact and IG’s Adjustment

The first game of the series showcased the power of Akali, a highly contested champion in major regions. Despite teams often banning Akali on the red side to deny first picks, she occasionally slips through in the blue team’s drafts. Creme took advantage of this and snowballed early, using his lead to dominate side lanes. IG struggled to handle Akali’s high damage output and mobility, resulting in their defeat in the first game.

In the second game, IG adjusted their draft and adopted a controlled playstyle. They secured early game skirmish wins and managed to equalize the series in just 22 minutes. However, in the third game, OMG banned the problematic picks from the previous game and achieved a mid-game teamfight victory. They capitalized on their advantage to snowball the match and ultimately secured a 2-1 victory.

Upcoming Match: OMG vs. RNG

OMG (1-1) will face Royal Never Give Up (RNG) (0-0) on Wednesday, June 16. RNG, the MSI champions, missed the first week of the split due to quarantine and will finally be back in action. Don’t miss this exciting match, which will start at 4am CT.

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Oh My God, Invictus Gaming, LPL Summer Split, MVP, Akali, teamfights, series win, YouTube, OMG vs. RNG, esports news, analysis