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Now available: Ranked borders and Victorious Graves

2017 Season Rewards Now Available in North America

The much-awaited 2017 season rewards are finally live in North America. Players can now enjoy the complete package, including the Victorious Graves skin, ward icons, and ranked borders.

Unfortunately, unlike the notifications for unlocking ward skins from high levels of honor, there doesn’t seem to be a notification for receiving these awards. So, it’s possible that you may have missed them.

Ranked Rewards

However, rest assured that the ranked rewards are indeed here, specifically on the North American server. For some, the ranked borders might be a bit disappointing as they haven’t changed from last year’s design. However, they have been updated to reflect your rank for this year.

In addition to the ranked borders, your profile will now showcase a new banner indicating your rank.

Profile Rank Banner

It’s possible that Riot Games will eventually update the look of the ranked borders. Currently, the borders remain the same as last year. However, there might be a new design in the near future.

If you haven’t received your rewards yet, don’t worry. According to Riot’s communications specialist Ben Forbes, they should be arriving soon.

It’s worth mentioning that Victorious Graves comes with different chromas depending on the ranked queue in which you received your rewards. If you missed out on ranked rewards this year, don’t fret, there’s always next year.

rewards, Victorious Graves, ward icons, ranked borders, Riot Games