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North America and Europe’s League of Legends Championship Series, Week 3 K.I.S.S.

Welcome to the Weekly K.I.S.S Report

This is Week 3 of the NA and EU LCS, where we provide a compilation of the performance of every Korean import currently playing in these leagues. We use a Korean Import Statistic Sheet (K.I.S.S) to compare their performance against their North American or European counterparts. This week, we have added new statistics to the fold, comparing their Kill/Death/Assist (KDA) ratio to see how they fared against their counterparts.

Korean Import Performance in Week 3

CoreJJ (Marksman):

Week 1:

Versus Coast | Corki | 3/3/3 | Win | 2.0 KDA

Versus TiP | Sivir | 0/2/2 | Lose | 1.0 KDA

Total KDA for Week 1: 3/5/5 = 1.6 KDA

Week 2:

Versus Gravity | Ezreal | 2/1/1 | Lose | 3.0 KDA

Versus Winterfox | Kogmaw | 1/5/1 | Lose | 0.4 KDA

Total KDA for Week 2: 3/6/2 = 0.83 KDA

Week 3:

Versus Team SoloMid | Corki | 3/2/1 | Lose | 2.0 KDA

Versus Team Liquid | Sivir | 9/0/7 | Win | 7.5 KDA

Total KDA for Week 3: 12/2/8 = 10 KDA

Gamsu (Top lane)

Week 1:

Versus Coast | Irelia | 1/1/6 | Win | 7.0 KDA

Versus TiP | Kassadin | 0/0/1 | Lose | 1.0 KDA

Total KDA for Week 1: 1/1/7 = 8.0 KDA

Week 2:

Versus Gravity | Lulu | 0/0/3 | Lose | 3.0 KDA

Versus Winterfox | Gnar | 1/3/1 | Lose | 0.67 KDA

Total KDA for Week 2: 1/3/4 = 1.67 KDA

Week 3:

Versus Team SoloMid | Reksai | 2/2/0 | Lose | 1.0 KDA

Versus Team Liquid | Rumble | 5/2/9 | Win | 7.0 KDA

Total KDA for Week 3: 7/4/9 = 4.0 KDA

Avalon (Top Lane)

Week 2:

Versus Team SoloMid | Lulu | 0/4/3 | Lose | 0.25 KDA

Versus Dignitas | Maokai | 3/0/11 | Win | 14.0 KDA

Total KDA week 2: 3/4/14 = 4.25 KDA

Week 3:

Versus CLG | Gnar | 2/5/6 | Lose | 1.6 KDA

Versus Team 8 | Gnar | 0/4/2 | Lose | 0.5 KDA

Total KDA week 3: 2/9/8 = 1.11 KDA

Imagine (Support)


Rush (Jungle)

Week 1:

Versus Team Liquid | J4 | 1/6/8 | Lose | 1.5 KDA

Versus Dignitas | J4 | 1/1/7 | Win | 8.0 KDA

Total KDA for Week 1: 2/7/15 = 2.43 KDA

Week 2:

Versus CLG | Lee Sin | 0/2/3 | Lose | 0.5 KDA

Versus Team 8 | Lee Sin | 2/7/11 | Win | 1.86 KDA

Total KDA for Week 2: 2/9/14 = 1.78 KDA

Week 3:

Versus Team Gravity | Lee Sin | 2/3/19 | Win | 7.0 KDA

Versus Team SoloMid | Lee Sin | 0/4/2 | Lose | 0.5 KDA

Total KDA up to Week 3: 2/7/21 = 3.3 KDA

Impact (Top Lane)

Week 2:

Versus CLG | Lulu | 0/3/1 | Lose | 0.33 KDA

Versus Team 8 | Gnar | 3/1/12 | Win | 15.0 KDA

Total KDA in week 2: 3/4/13 = 4.0 KDA

Week 3:

Versus Team Gravity | Rumble | 2/4/13 | Win | 3.75 KDA

Versus Team SoloMid | Maokai | 0/5/4 | Lose | 0.8 KDA

Total KDA up to Week 3: 2/9/17 = 2.11 KDA

Fenix (Mid Lane)

Week 1:

Versus TiP | Lulu | 5/5/12 | Win | 1.42 KDA

Versus CLG | Azir | 7/5/12 | Win | 3.8 KDA

Total KDA for week 1: 12/10/24 = 3.6 KDA

Week 2:

Versus Cloud 9 | Ahri | 2/3/1 | Lose | 1.0 KDA

Versus TSM | Ahri | 1/4/0 | Lose | 0.25 KDA

Total KDA for week 2: 3/7/1 = 0.57 KDA

Week 3:

Versus Team Coast | Xerath | 2/0/3 | Win | 5.0 KDA

Versus Team Dignitas | Ezreal | 2/3/2 | Lose | 1.33 KDA

Total KDA for Week 3: 4/3/5 = 3.0 KDA

Piglet (Marksman)

Week 2:

Versus Cloud 9 | Sivir | 0/3/2 | Lose | 0.75 KDA

Versus Team SoloMid | Caitlyn | 0/1/1 | Lose | 1.0 KDA

Total Week 2 KDA: 0/4/3 = 0.75 KDA

Week 3:

Versus Team Coast | Vayne | 3/1/4 | Win | 7.0 KDA

Versus Dignitas | Vayne | 1/2/6 | Lose | 3.5 KDA

Total Week 3 KDA: 4/3/10 = 4.67 KDA

Korean Import Performance in NA and EU

We have compiled the KDA ratios of the Korean imports and compared them to the average KDA of their NA and EU counterparts.

Top Laners:

EU: Huni – 5.83 KDA | NA: Dyrus – 4.0 KDA


EU: Reignover – 3.78 KDA | NA: Rush – 3.3 KDA

Mid Laners:

EU: Ryu – 1.6 KDA | NA: Bjergsen – 18.0 KDA

AD Carries:

EU: Piglet – 4.67 KDA | NA: Apollo – 4.25 KDA


EU: Imagine – N/A | NA: Bunny FuFuu – 7.0 KDA

Closing Comments

As we enter Week 4, we can expect the Korean players to improve as they adjust to the teams and the season progresses. Piglet is steadily finding his form and we predict he will perform well in the upcoming games. The performance of the Korean imports will be a key factor in the spring split tournament. Stay tuned for more updates!

-Andy “LastBlues” Shin

KISS report, NA LCS, EU LCS, Korean import, performance, KDA, statistics, top laners, junglers, mid laners, AD carries, supports.