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Nisqy and Kobbe lead Splyce to third place in the EU LCS

The Third-Place Match in EU LCS: Splyce Secures Spot at Rift Rivals

The EU LCS third-place match showcased two teams heading in opposite directions. As the meta shifted to prioritize junglers and ADCs, Vitality’s performance declined while Splyce began to shine.

Splyce managed to come out on top in a grueling fifth game, proving their strength and securing the third-place finish in EU. This victory also guarantees their spot at Rift Rivals, which will take place later this summer.

Vitality’s early game dominance was evident from the start of the series. Splyce intentionally drafted three losing lanes, and Vitality took advantage of this by pushing those lanes in. Although Splyce’s jungler Xerxe and mid laner Nisqy secured kills, they also sacrificed farm, allowing Vitality to gain an advantage.

To slow down the pace of play, Splyce targeted ban Caitlyn, Minitroupax’s main champion. Additionally, they chose Cassiopeia for Nisqy, a powerful champion who often goes unnoticed. Nisqy demonstrated his skills by scoring solo kills on Vitality’s star rookie Jiizuke.

In the next game, Vitality banned Cassiopeia and secured the tempo of the game with Minitroupax’s aggressive play. They continued to dominate in the fourth game, but a smite fail by jungler Gilius cost them an Infernal Drake and Baron.

The series reached its climax with a deciding fifth game. Gilius opted for Trundle instead of his successful Olaf pick, but he and the Vitality bot lane struggled against Splyce’s surprise Ivern pick. Splyce’s superior macro play allowed them to take control of the game, outmatching Vitality’s damage output.

Splyce’s victory in this match not only secures their spot at Rift Rivals but also earns them 50 Championship Points towards World qualification. This achievement is significant for a team with four new players, as it indicates their potential for growth in the upcoming major championships in the fall.

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EU LCS, Splyce, Rift Rivals, Vitality, third-place match, meta, junglers, ADCs, Caitlyn, Minitroupax, Cassiopeia, Nisqy, Jiizuke, Gilius, Trundle, Ivern, Championship Points, Worlds qualification.