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Next champion for League of Legends unveiled: Sylas the Unshackled

Sylas: The New Champion Unveiled

Last week, Riot revealed Sylas’ origin story on Universe, the official League of Legends lore platform. Immediately after its release, fans started speculating whether he could be the next champion.

Our speculation turned out to be correct. Riot has just released Sylas’ official biography, introducing him as Sylas the Unshackled.

Sylas’ backstory involves him as a mage, who unintentionally murders several people in a country where magic is prohibited. As a child on the run, he gains notoriety as one of Demacia’s most-wanted. Eventually, he is captured and sentenced to life in prison. In prison, his magical abilities are restrained by anti-magic shackles. During his captivity, he forms a secret bond with Lux, a mage-in-hiding. They teach each other, with Sylas helping Lux control her powers and Lux educating him about the outside world.

Over time, Sylas manipulates Lux into smuggling an ancient and powerful tome into his cell. This tome reveals the secrets of petricite, the same anti-magic stone used to suppress his abilities. When faced with execution, Sylas uses his newfound knowledge to unleash a massive magical explosion, killing everyone except Lux who had come to plead for his life.

Now, Sylas wanders through Demacia, gathering followers to his cause: Bring down the throne.

Related keywords: Sylas, League of Legends, Demacia, mage, champion, lore, Riot, biography, origin story, magic, anti-magic shackles, Lux, petricite, explosion, followers.