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New update in League of Legends brings significant changes

League of Legends Preseason 2015 Patch Brings Major Changes

League of Legends has become the most popular video game worldwide, thanks in part to Riot Games constantly updating the game with new content and heroes. Every year, Riot releases a patch that introduces significant changes to the game in preparation for the next season of League.

The latest patch, 4.20, which was released today, is arguably the most significant change in the game’s five-year history.

The patch notes for Preseason 2015 are over 30 pages long, detailing a multitude of game-changing updates. Riot Games created two explainer videos and a preseason primer portal to ensure that fans and players can fully understand and absorb all the changes happening in the League.

Strategic Diversity in the Jungle and Map Objectives

The main theme of this patch is “Strategic Diversity,” and this is evident in the changes made to the jungle and map objectives.

The jungle will now present a greater challenge for players in the upcoming season. Last season, jungling was too easy, and champions specializing in sustain were no longer in demand. In 2015, the jungle will be much more difficult for players to navigate.

Riot has added more mobs and decision points for jungle players, meaning they will have to think on their feet when deciding which mobs to kill, when to do so, and which mobs to Smite. The Smite spell will now provide special buffs depending on the mob it is used on, each with situational uses. For example, smiting the Krug gives a bonus against minions and turrets, while smiting the Raptor aids in vision control. These changes are intended to create a more diverse and interesting jungle metagame.

Changes to Major Map Objectives

The patch also includes changes to major map objectives such as the Baron, the Dragon, and inhibitor turrets. These changes aim to increase strategic diversity and provide various pathways to victory.

The Baron buff, which previously added negligible stats to teams sieging, now grants a massive buff to nearby minions and a faster recall. However, teams camping the Baron need to be cautious.

The Dragon has been completely reworked. Instead of a global gold bonus, it now gives a team-wide stackable buff. Each time the Dragon is killed, the team receives a stack that provides additional attack damage, ability power, and other bonuses. At five stacks, players receive the “Aspect of the Dragon,” a significant power boost for a limited time. These changes introduce more complexity and decision-making into map rotations and objective control.

Itemization Changes

The patch also introduces changes to itemization, particularly with elixirs. Rather than providing flat stat bonuses, the new elixirs grant buffs that change the way teams play. For example, the Elixir of Ruin grants nearby minions a damage buff and movement speed, as well as a bonus against towers. The Elixir of Iron grants tenacity and slow resistance while boosting allied movement speed.

These are just a few highlights of the extensive changes introduced in the Preseason 2015 patch. The patch also includes balance changes, new content such as the marksman hero Kalista, and comprehensive reworks of base stats, hero scaling, and the visual appearance of the map.

Adapting to these changes will take time for players and fans alike, and even the developers themselves. It is expected that there will be numerous balance issues that need to be addressed.

Impact on the Expansion Tournament

The recent launch of the Expansion Tournament is coinciding with the release of the Preseason 2015 patch. Over the next month, top challenger teams will compete for a spot in the League Championship Series. However, they will now have to adapt to the new changes in the game, which adds an additional level of difficulty and uncertainty to the competition.

Riot Games has a strong record of maintaining the integrity of its competitions, despite primarily being a video game company. However, this time, the development schedule will directly impact an important competition. Players’ careers may be determined by how they adapt to the massive changes introduced in this patch.

While this may be challenging for the players involved, it promises to be an exciting era for League of Legends. Fans can look forward to witnessing the impact of these changes and the subsequent evolution of the game.

League of Legends, Preseason 2015, patch, Riot Games, video game, heroes, metagame, strategic diversity, jungle, map objectives, mobs, decision points, Smite, buffs, Baron, Dragon, inhibitor turrets, itemization changes, elixirs, balance issues, Expansion Tournament, League Championship Series