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New bug in League allows Kalista to attack twice with each auto attack

New Bug Allows Kalista to Double Auto Attacks in League of Legends

A newly discovered bug in League of Legends is giving Kalista players an unfair advantage. The bug allows Kalista to fire off two auto attacks every time she attacks an enemy unit, effectively doubling her damage output. This bug has been spreading rapidly since the release of Patch 11.17, and its origins are still unclear.

Unintended Bug or Related to Patch 11.17?

The bug was first brought to light by Vandiril on Twitter. While it’s uncertain whether this bug is directly related to a bug fix in Patch 11.17, no other changes were made to Kalista in the update, suggesting a connection between the two occurrences.

Exploiting the Bug

The newfound bug allows Kalista players to maximize their damage potential. With this bug, Kalista can choose to attack a single target with both auto attacks or split the attacks between two separate enemies. This gives her a powerful advantage similar to the effect of Runaan’s Hurricane, without needing to purchase the item.

The bug also speeds up Kalista’s passive ability, Rend (E), as the increased attack speed allows her to extract spears from her target at a faster rate.

Impressive Early-Game Damage

At level one, with just a single attack, Kalista can deal up to 163 damage. When combined with starting items like Doran’s Blade, her damage can exceed 170. Due to her passive ability, Martial Poise, Kalista can easily stick to enemy players and secure kills with the assistance of her Q ability, Pierce, and E ability, Rend.

Riot Games has not yet addressed this bug or disabled Kalista on game servers. It remains to be seen how this bug will impact competitive play and whether Riot will take action to resolve it.

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