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New Analysis Shows 98 Percent of League of Legends Games Experience AFK Players

AFK Players Plague League of Legends Matches on EUW Servers

If you have a friend who always goes AFK at the start of a League of Legends game, you’re not alone. In fact, these players make up the majority of the League population, with a staggering 98 percent of matches on the EUW servers having AFK players right from the get-go, according to Hextechlab, a fan-made site that analyzes data from League using Riot Games API.

To determine if players were AFK at the beginning of the game, Hextechlab looked at the moment players bought their starting items. Their report states that in Patch 13.18 on EUW, only 1.75 percent of games had all players ready to play when the game started. It took 36 seconds for all players to be ready in 50 percent of the games, and even at minions spawn, there was still an AFK player in 20 percent of games.

The Consequences of Going AFK

Apart from the annoyance it causes to other players, going AFK early in the game has significant implications. Firstly, it prevents you from invading or defending against invasions because you don’t know if you’ll be outnumbered or be a man down. Additionally, being AFK at the beginning means missing out on essential experience and gold, which can cost you the game later on.

A man sitting down with glowing eyes, head, and hands in League of Legends
The earlier first blood happens at 28 seconds, according to this report. Image via Riot Games

For example, let’s say you’re playing Zed in midlane against Talon. This is a volatile matchup where trading kills is expected. However, if Zed was AFK and missed the gold and experience for the first three minions, they will lose the level two power spike, giving Talon an advantage that can snowball into a lead.

A Simple Solution: Don’t Go AFK

In conclusion, it’s crucial not to go AFK at the beginning of your games. Your actions can significantly impact your team’s performance and put them at a disadvantage. So, don’t let your laziness ruin the game for yourself and your teammates. Avoid going AFK, even if it’s just to grab a drink during the queue.

AFK players, League of Legends, EUW servers, Hextechlab, Riot Games, going AFK, consequences, disadvantage, gameplay, experience