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Neeko PBE Evaluation: Her cuteness conceals devastating power

League of Legends Patch 8.24: Neeko, the Powerful New Champion

Patch 8.24 is set to release this week in League of Legends, bringing with it the debut of Neeko, the new champion. Neeko, the queer chameleon, will be joining the game’s roster of champions, and is expected to create some excitement among players.

Neeko’s power has been thoroughly tested in the Practice Tool and normal games on Summoner’s Rift, and the results are in: she’s incredibly strong. In fact, some might say she’s a bit overpowered.

Neeko’s High Damage Potential

To understand Neeko’s power, let’s take a look at the numbers. We tested her with a specific item build, including Luden’s Echo, Lich Bane, Nashor’s Tooth, Zhonya’s Hourglass, and Rabadon’s Deathcap. With the Sorcerer’s Boots as her choice of footwear, she was able to achieve high ability power and utilize her three-hit passive ability effectively. This build allowed her to deal a significant amount of damage.

During our testing, we discovered that using the combo E > basic attack > basic attack > Q > basic attack > R, Neeko was able to unleash a burst of damage totaling 2,978 at level 18. This amount of damage is enough to eliminate a marksman twice over.

The Combo Breakdown

The reason why this combo is so effective is because it allows Neeko to maximize her damage potential. By using the E ability first, she roots the enemy in place and triggers the Lich Bane effect for the next basic attack. This is followed by another basic attack to activate her three-hit passive. This initial sequence alone deals around 700 damage. Then, when Neeko uses her Q ability, she deals upfront damage of approximately 586, as well as additional damage with the following bounces. The Lich Bane effect is triggered again with the next basic attack, simultaneously with her three-hit passive. Finally, Neeko’s ultimate ability deals about 1,500 damage on its own, resulting in a total burst of just under 3,000. By continuing to use basic attacks during the ultimate’s channel, Neeko can activate her passive one more time, increasing the total burst damage to 3,500 with the help of Nashor’s Tooth and Lich Bane. It’s important to note that this is a significant amount of damage, capable of heavily damaging or even eliminating tank or bruiser champions, albeit with resistances factored in.

Neeko’s Accessibility and Potential Impact

Aside from her high damage output, Neeko is also extremely accessible to play. Her abilities are easy to use, yet difficult for opponents to dodge. For example, her Q ability hits enemy champions, flies over minions, has a long range, fast projectile speed, and affects an area, making it a versatile and powerful attack. Additionally, Neeko’s W ability provides survivability and trickery without requiring as much skill to utilize effectively compared to other champions. Her E ability is a snare that can hit multiple enemies, dealing damage to each, and can be extended if it hits enough targets. Her ultimate ability is a powerful burst of damage with a wide explosion radius, a shield, and is relatively difficult to escape if not interrupted.

What makes Neeko even more formidable is that her damage output does not heavily rely on executing the proper combo. Even if her abilities are used in a random order, as long as she continues to use basic attacks, she will still deal considerable damage.

Neeko’s combination of accessibility and power is a nightmare for solo queue players. It is expected that her release will cause some frustration among players, and balance changes may be necessary in the near future to address her strength.


If Riot follows the typical patch cycle, Neeko will be introduced to the game on Wednesday. Players should prepare themselves for the arrival of this explosive and powerful chameleon champion.

League of Legends, Neeko, new champion, patch 8.24, high damage, burst damage, accessibility, solo queue, power, balance changes