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Nautilus Holds One of the Highest Pick Rates but Lowest Win Rate at MSI 2022 on Day 3

Nautilus Dominates the 2022 Mid-Season Invitational

The 2022 Mid-Season Invitational is underway in Busan, South Korea, and it’s clear that Nautilus is the champion to watch. With 12 games played, Nautilus has emerged as the top pick among teams at the competition, according to League stats aggregate Oracle’s Elixir. Nautilus also boasts the fourth-highest pick-ban presence percentage of any champion, solidifying his importance in the tournament.

Despite his popularity, Nautilus has struggled with wins, only managing two out of the twelve games played. He also holds the record for the most deaths among picked champions, with a modest 0.9 KDA. However, this high death count can be attributed to Nautilus’ role as an engage support, which involves starting fights, soaking up damage, and buying time for teammates to deal damage.

Nautilus offers a kit with easy crowd control, making him a popular choice among players. Yet, coordinated teams can exploit his weaknesses by punishing opponents who stumble into teamfights. Without adequate backup, Nautilus can be taken down by sustained damage.

Unfortunately, many Nautilus players at MSI are finding themselves in unfavorable situations due to their positioning mistakes. Whether it’s engaging without support or missing hooks and getting caught out, these errors often result in the death of the support player and a subsequent loss for the team.

The group stage of MSI continues tomorrow at 1am CT.

Keyword: Mid-Season Invitational, League of Legends, Nautilus, Busan, South Korea, champion, pick, tournament, support, engage, damage, teamfight, MSI, Oracle’s Elixir, win rate, deaths