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Naafiri Receives Acclaim as ‘the Best Jungler in LoL’

Naafiri: The Best Jungler in League of Legends?

Even before her release, players are already praising Naafiri as the “best jungler in the game” in League of Legends.

In a recent Reddit thread on June 28, a player shared their experience playing 10 games with Naafiri on the PBE server. They highlighted her gap closing abilities, enormous damage, and most importantly, how fun she is to play. You can check out their gameplay here.

“This champion is the most enjoyable jungler I’ve ever played,” the player said. “Bring Naafiri to the jungle and you’re golden! She can block skill shots with her dogs, go over walls to escape tricky situations. She’s amazing in the jungle.”

Interestingly, Riot Games initially labeled Naafiri as a mid lane assassin. However, numerous players, including the original poster, found her performance in that role to be underwhelming. “I’ve also tried her in the midlane, but she feels horrible against most ranged matchups and is completely unplayable versus Ziggs and Taliyah,” the player expressed.

Many other players agreed with this perspective, finding it peculiar that Naafiri was characterized as a mid laner. “I swear she was supposed to be a jungler originally, but during the spotlight video, they said she was a midlaner, and I was shocked,” one player commented. “I always assumed she would be played in the jungle. It just makes more sense.”

Why Jungle Might be Naafiri’s True Calling

From our point of view, playing Naafiri in the jungle rather than the mid lane seems like a logical choice. With her easy-to-land gap closer, high damage output, and low cooldown abilities, she appears to possess the ideal tools for swiftly clearing the jungle and executing effective ganks on the sidelines.

Naafiri is expected to be available on the live servers with the upcoming Patch 13.14, scheduled for release on July 19 according to Riot’s release schedule.

Naafiri, League of Legends, best jungler, mid lane assassin, gap closing, enormous damage, fun to play, jungle, midlane, Riot Games, release schedule.