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NA Quarterfinals – Post-Analysis

Urgot Surprises in NALCS Quarterfinals

In a surprising turn of events, Urgot emerged as a top pick in the LCS Quarterfinals, with a 100% pick/ban rate in the NALCS games. This indicates that we are currently witnessing one of the best competitive metas in the history of League of Legends. The introduction of Cinderhulk and buffs to weaker champions have opened up new possibilities and strategies, making team composition decisions more exciting. The past few weeks of games have been incredibly enjoyable for fans.

CLG vs. TL: A Post-Mortem Analysis

CLG once again struggled in high-pressure situations. The first game of the series between CLG and TL showcased intense gameplay and a close fight between split-push and teamfighting strategies. Although both teams had a chance at victory, CLG looked defeated after their loss in game 1 and failed to recover. They fell to TL, ending their Spring Split with promises of changes to come from HotshotGG.

It’s difficult to pinpoint the exact issue with CLG. It doesn’t seem to be a lack of skill or shot-calling, as they have strong players and strategic decision-making. Instead, their downfall seems to be their tendency to crumble as a team after facing setbacks. On the other hand, TL performed exceptionally well, showcasing diverse strategies and a standout performance from Piglet. Despite their victory, it remains to be seen if TL can maintain consistency and surpass C9 in the next split.

Gravity vs. Team Impulse: A Surprising Outcome

Gravity has been a fan favorite this split, with Keane’s unconventional picks and Saint’s strong early-game presence. However, Team Impulse’s raw skill and calculated aggression proved to be the deciding factor in this series. Game 2 was particularly exciting, featuring back-and-forth teamfights that lasted over 40 minutes. Although Gravity showed promise throughout the split, it was Team Impulse who emerged victorious.

Despite their loss, Gravity should be commended for their achievements this split. Going from Challenger to a top 6 team in the NA LCS is no small feat. While it remains uncertain if they can excel further in the next split, they have established themselves as a prominent team in the NALCS.

Looking ahead, it seems challenging for Team Impulse to defeat TSM. XiaoWeiXiao will need to step up and deliver a performance reminiscent of his LMQ days for Team Impulse to have a chance against TSM.