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NA LCS Week 4 Matchup: Dignitas vs Team 8

Dignitas vs Team 8: Recap of Week 4 NA LCS Spring Split

The Dignitas vs Team 8 match was the final game of Week 4 in the NA LCS Spring Split. Both teams opted for lane swaps, with the duo lanes meeting at the top and the top laners going bottom. CloudNguyen’s Lee Sin successfully ganked Slooshi8’s Orianna before the 4-minute mark, securing first blood. However, Slooshi8 managed to get revenge with the help of minions. Cloud attempted to gank mid again, but Porpoise8’s Vi intervened, turning it into a 2v2 and securing a kill on Shiphtur’s Kassadin. Team 8 then executed a tower dive bot lane, resulting in the first turret of the game and a kill on KiWiKid’s Annie.

Team Fight and Turning Points

A prolonged team fight in the Team 8 red side jungle favored Dignitas, resulting in a 4 for 2 trade and the top tower. Gamsu and Calitrlolz8’s Maokai traded kills due to a dive by Gambus on the top inner tower. Team 8 won a 3 for 0 fight bot lane before the 15-minute mark. At around 17 minutes, Dignitas nearly aced Team 8, with Shiphtur securing a triple kill.

Team 8’s Lead and Dignitas’ Comeback

By the 20-minute mark, Team 8 had secured their 5th turret compared to Dignitas’ 2. They also held a slight gold lead and had secured 2 dragons. However, Dignitas managed to pick off Dodo8’s Morgana, allowing them to take the outer mid turret. Shiphtur continued his dominance with another triple kill just before the 28-minute mark, giving Dignitas a 1k gold lead and their first dragon. At 29 minutes, Shiphtur had an impressive 8/1/5 score on Kassadin.

Dignitas’ Victory and Conclusion

At 32 minutes, CoreJJ’s Corki secured a double kill in a fight initiated by Team 8. Dignitas then aced Team 8 and turned their attention to the Baron objective. By the 35-minute mark, Dignitas had equalized the turrets at 5 and increased their gold lead to 7k. CoreJJ split-pushed in the bot lane, effortlessly taking down an inhibitor turret. Just before 38 minutes, Dignitas secured the bot lane inhibitor and aced Team 8. This victory moved both teams to a 3-5 score in the split.

[ Dignitas vs Team 8, NA LCS Spring Split, esports, League of Legends, recap, match, team fight, comeback, victory]