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NA LCS Day 3, Week 5 Recap: PhoenixWON transformed

Results of Day 3, Week 5 of NA LCS Summer Split

Today, the final day of Week 5 in the 2016 North American League Championship Series (NA LCS) Summer Split concluded with some exciting matches.

Here’s a rundown of the matches:

Team SoloMid vs Counter Logic Gaming

Team SoloMid (TSM) continued their dominant streak by defeating Counter Logic Gaming (CLG) in a 2-0 victory. TSM’s Søren “Bjergsen” Bjerg stood out in Game 1 with an impressive performance as LeBlanc, going 6/0/7. In Game 2, TSM’s support, Vincent “Biofrost” Wang, shone as Karma with a score of 1/0/13.

NRG Esports vs Echo Fox

NRG Esports emerged victorious in a 2-0 sweep against Echo Fox (EF). In Game 1, NRG’s jungler, Lucas “Santorin” Kilmer Larsen, performed exceptionally well as Rek’Sai, finishing with a score of 3/0/11. Game 2 saw NRG’s top laner, Diego “Quas” Ruiz, taking the lead early on as Jax and securing first blood. NRG eventually outsmarted EF in a close base race to secure the win.

Phoenix1 vs Apex Gaming

Phoenix1 (P1) achieved their first win of the split in a 2-1 victory against Apex Gaming. While Apex claimed Game 1 thanks to superior teamfighting, P1 made a comeback in Game 2, led by ADC Brandon “Mash” Phan’s exceptional performance as Lucian. In Game 3, P1 snowballed to victory after a 20-minute ace and triple kill by Mash.

Immortals vs Cloud9

Immortals had a strong performance and secured a 2-0 victory against Cloud9. In Game 1, Immortals gained an advantage after securing Baron and went on to win the game. Game 2 saw a dominant performance from Immortals, with top laner Heo “Huni” Seung-hoo excelling as Irelia with a score of 6/2/13.

Do you have any thoughts on the NA LCS 2016 Summer Split? Share your opinions in the comments or on our Twitter – @GAMURScom.

NA LCS, Summer Split, Team SoloMid, Counter Logic Gaming, NRG Esports, Echo Fox, Phoenix1, Apex Gaming, Immortals, Cloud9.