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NA LCS Day 2 of Week 5 Recap: TSM Continues their Winning Streak

Day Two of the 2016 NA LCS Summer Split

Today was the second day of action in Week 5 of the North American League Championship Series (NA LCS) Summer Split.

TSM stays undefeated, Team Liquid defeats Team EnVyUs

From TSM staying undefeated, to Team Liquid taking down Team EnVyUs, here is how Day Two went down:

Counter Logic Gaming 2-0 NRG Esports

Game 1: CLG looked strong all game, much like they did at the 2016 Mid-Season Invitational. Despite showing this form against the third-worst team in the NA LCS, CLG has to start gaining momentum somewhere. The entire CLG squad played well, even the highly criticized mid-laner Choi “Huhi” Jae-hyun, who went 4/0/7 as Vladmir.

Game 2: The second game was much like the first; CLG looking like they did at the end of last split and at MSI. The entire CLG team looked strong, but it was the bot-lane duo of AD Carry Trevor “Stixxay” Hayes and support Zaqueri “aphromoo” Black, who went 5/0/4 as Ezreal and 0/1/8 as Alistar.

Team SoloMid 2-0 Phoenix1

Game 1: The beginning of the game looked surprising, as it was tied in kills 20 minutes in. In an expected rout, TSM was tied against the worst team in the NA LCS. This tie did not last long after 20 minutes when TSM top-laner Kevin “Hauntzer” Yarnell got a double kill, and TSM ensued to out-communicate and outsmart a winless P1 squad.

Game 2: TSM did not want to give P1 another shot at a win. The team kills went 18-4 in favor of TSM in a 24-minute win. All of TSM did well, but it was the bot-lane duo of ADC Yiliang “Doublelift” Peng (7/0/10 as Lucian) and support Vincent “Biofrost” Wang (0/1/13 as Karma) who shined the brightest.

Immortals 2-0 Apex Gaming

Game 1: In the first match, IMT gave Apex little room to work with. The entire IMT squad played well throughout the game, but the jungle pressure from last split’s MVP, Kim “Reignover” Yeu-jin, led the way for IMT, going 2/0/9 as Rek’Sai.

Game 2: The second match was a little closer for Apex, but the reigning regular season champions were not going to allow Apex to even out the series. While Reignover surveyed the map as Rek’Sai, it was the IMT bot-lane duo of ADC Jason “WildTurtle” Tran (3/0/6 as Ashe) and support Adrian Ma (2/2/7 as Nami) who led the way to victory.

Team Liquid 2-0 Team EnVyUs

Game 1: The first match was close all the way until the end. Liquid found themselves able to pull out the win due to EnVyUs losing steam in the late-game. For Liquid, the star of the match was mid-laner Kim “Fenix” Jae-hoon, who went 4/0/7 as LeBlanc.

Game 2: The second match was much more of a blowout. The team kills went 22-7 in favor of Liquid. The entire Liquid squad did well, but it was jungler Joshua “Dardoch” Hartnett who shined brightest, going 7/1/11 as Graves.

What are your thoughts on the NA LCS 2016 Summer Split? Who do you think will take the crown? Let us know in the comments below or on our Twitter – @GAMURScom

Plain Text NA LCS, Summer Split, TSM, Team Liquid, Counter Logic Gaming, NRG Esports, Phoenix1, Immortals, Apex Gaming, Team EnVyUs