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MSI: Day 1 Share of Damage

The Action-Packed First Day of the Mid-Season Invitational

The Mid-Season Invitational started off with a bang, with non-stop action and combat in every game. The average number of kills per minute was 0.84, much higher than NA’s spring split average of 0.69. Clearly, these international teams are hungry for blood!

Distribution of Carry Roles at the MSI

It’s interesting to see how each team distributed their carry roles in the MSI. The chart below shows the average damage shares of each team based on total damage to champions on the first day. Easyhoon’s game and Faker’s two games have separate stats.

AHQ e-Sports Club

AHQ, the LMS champions, had a traditional damage distribution with Westdoor dealing more damage in the mid lane and AN dealing less damage as the ADC. AN’s numbers were particularly low due to his performance on Kalista against EDG.

Be?ikta? e-Sports Club

Be?ikta?, with Theokeles as their jungler, had high damage contribution from the jungle role, thanks to his picks of Gragas and Sejuani. However, Energy, despite playing Lulu, couldn’t contribute as much damage. Thaldrin played high damage champions, but his damage output was average.

EDward Gaming

EDG’s top laner, Koro1, had the highest damage share in the team, especially with his exceptional performance on Hecarim. He had the second-highest single-game damage per minute (DPM) of the day with 817!


Huni, Fnatic’s top laner, dominated in terms of damage output, outclassing both the mid laner and ADC. Steeelback’s damage output was low compared to other ADCs, but that was partly due to playing Urgot and the high damage contributions from the jungle and support roles.

SK Telecom T1

In SKT, damage output relied more on the mid lane in Faker’s games and on Bang’s Kalista in Easyhoon’s game. However, MaRin’s performance on Gnar against TSM stole the show with 1,047 DPM and 39% of the team’s damage output.

Team SoloMid

No surprise, Bjergsen had the highest damage responsibility for TSM. Dyrus also had a high damage share, but it didn’t work out well for TSM in their game against SKT, where MaRin’s Gnar outshined everyone with an incredible 1,047 DPM.

Interested in more stats from the MSI? Check out the Player Stats and Team Stats pages on, updated daily.

Statistics: Tim “Mag1c” Sevenhuysen

“Mid-Season Invitational, MSI, international teams, kills, NA’s spring split, damage shares, Easyhoon, Faker, team distribution, chart, LMS champions, AN, damage contribution, Be?ikta?, Theokeles, damage output, jungle role, Thaldrin, EDward Gaming, top laner, Koro1, damage per minute, Fnatic, Huni, Steeelback, SK Telecom T1, Faker’s games, Easyhoon’s game, MaRin, Dyrus, TSM, Bjergsen, stats,, Tim Sevenhuysen”