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MSI Day 1: Ranking the Top 10 Damage-Output Performances

The 10 highest damage-to-champions-per-minute performances at Mid-Season Invitational Day 1

Day 1 of the Mid-Season Invitational was filled with intense action, and some players really stood out with their massive damage outputs. Let’s take a look at the top 10 performances of damage dealt to champions per minute on the first day of MSI.

Two players recorded over 1,000 damage to champions per minute, and surprisingly, one of them was a Top laner. In fact, three of the top damage performances came from the Top lane, but none of them were by Huni. What an exciting day it was!

If you’re interested in more statistics from the MSI, be sure to visit the Player Stats and Team Stats pages on These pages are updated daily and provide in-depth insights into the performances of players and teams.

The source behind the statistics and graphics

Special thanks to Tim “Mag1c” Sevenhuysen for providing the statistics and Daniel “Exorant” Hume for the graphics.

esports, Mid-Season Invitational, MSI, damage, champions, performances, statistics, players, Top lane, Huni