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MSI 2016 – Patsimenz’s Preview and Predictions for the Semifinals

Game 1 – Royal Never Give Up vs SK Telecom T1

Royal Never Give Up (RNG) had a strong showing in the group stage with an 8-2 record. The duo of Xiaohu and mlxg has been instrumental in their success, with mlxg focusing on the mid lane to enable Xiaohu to carry on champions like Leblanc, Azir, and Ryze. Mata, the team’s Korean support, has also been a key player, controlling vision and making impressive engages on Alistar and Thresh. However, RNG struggled to close out clean victories and instead relied on team fighting to secure wins. Their success may not continue if SK Telecom T1 (SKT) shows up with a smart game plan in the semifinals.

Game 2 – Counter Logic Gaming vs Flash Wolves

Counter Logic Gaming (CLG) surprised analysts with a 7-3 record in the group stage. The strong performances of Aphromoo and Stixxay played a major role in their victories. Aphromoo’s impact on champions like Thresh, Braum, and Soraka allowed Stixxay to shine in both lane and team fights. Stixxay’s versatility on different champions, such as Caitlyn, Lucian, and Kalista, forced bans from other teams. CLG’s success also comes from their coordination of double teleports from Darshan and Huhi, leading to unexpected and won team fights. While Flash Wolves have had a good performance, CLG’s strong team play gives them an edge in this series.

The Verdict

The series between RNG and SKT is expected to be close, but SKT’s transition to a protect-the-carry strategy centered around Bang should give them an advantage in late game team fights. As long as SKT doesn’t struggle in the early game, they should come out on top in this series. On the other hand, CLG’s exceptional team play and map control should give them the edge against Flash Wolves. If CLG neutralizes Maple and Stixxay minimizes mistakes while maintaining aggression, they should secure a victory.

Prediction: SK Telecom T1 3-2 victory over Royal Never Give Up, Counter Logic Gaming 3-2 victory over Flash Wolves

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esports, semifinals, Royal Never Give Up, SK Telecom T1, Counter Logic Gaming, Flash Wolves, team play, protect the carry, map control