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MSI 2016 Finals: Clash of Titans

Historic Final at Mid-Season Invitational

With the Mid-Season Invitational coming to a close, fans are eagerly awaiting the historic final. For the first time in many years, a North American team has reached the final of a Riot Games major event. Counter Logic Gaming, the longest running North American League of Legends organization, has achieved this feat. They will be facing off against SK Telecom T1, the most dominant organization in the game, led by their star player.

SK Telecom T1 – Faker

The player to watch on SKT during this momentous final is Lee “Faker” Sang-hyeok. Faker, a two-time world champion and four-time Korean League champion, is widely regarded as the best player in the world. However, his performance in the group stage was not as impressive as expected. It was his exceptional games against Royal Never Give Up that put him on this list. With his vast champion pool and game sense, Faker is looking for revenge for last year’s MSI. He has the potential to solo-kill and dominate the game, as he has shown against RNG. Facing off against a rookie player on CLG, Faker has the opportunity to assert his dominance and make big plays on the map.

Counter Logic Gaming – Aphromoo

Zaqueri “Aphromoo” Black, known as the longest running best support in North America, has established himself as a world-class player at this year’s MSI. Despite previously falling short in important games, Aphromoo has proven himself by reaching the World Championship with CLG. Although he no longer has his previous teammate, he is as strong as ever. This tournament will determine whether he can be recognized as one of the greatest supports in the history of the game. He has shown tremendous improvement throughout the spring split and the group stages of MSI. Aphromoo’s role as the shot caller and leader of the team allows him to make fearless plays. His macro play and control around the map are vital to CLG’s success. However, any mistakes against SKT, in their current form, could be disastrous for CLG.

Photo credit: LoL Esports

Mid-Season Invitational, North America, Counter Logic Gaming, SK Telecom T1, Faker, Aphromoo, League of Legends, MSI, player to watch, dominant organization, revenge, champion pool, dominance, world-class player, shot caller, macro play.