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Mowzer’s Jungle Tier List for Patch 5.4

Mowzer’s Sixth Tier List: Patch 5.4 Junglers for Solo Q

Hey everyone! I’m Mowzer, a diamond jungle main on Korean and NA servers. I’ve been playing since closed beta and I love theory crafting. Here is my sixth tier list for junglers in Solo Q. This list is for patch 5.4 and focuses on Jungle champions in general.

Changes in Patch 5.4

This patch brought some changes to the jungle:

  • Jarvan now takes more damage from physical attacks, but received a minor armor buff.
  • Junglers who enjoyed the item swap feature won’t like the 250 gold cost change. This affects junglers who liked to switch out Trailblazer for a more aggressive smite.
  • Warrior enchant lost 5 damage, which is a noticeable nerf.
  • Smites’ range was lowered, making it harder to get chilling smite off on enemy champions.
  • Revive was removed, but it doesn’t affect junglers.

Top 5 Champions

Here are the top 5 junglers from strongest to weakest. It’s important to note that none of these junglers are underpowered. This is not a complete tier list of all jungle champions.

  1. Vi – She has everything needed to carry in Solo Q and can go full tank, tanky damage, or full damage.
  2. Lee Sin – Despite changes to smite and jungle item, he still has the utility and playmaking potential to carry.
  3. Nidalee – Her mobility and damage should not be underestimated.
  4. Fiddlesticks – He has been nerfed, but still does well all game and has a top-notch team fight.
  5. Pantheon – He has a strong early and mid game and can easily snowball a lead.

Bottom 5 Champions

  1. Rek’sai – Despite nerfs, she is still strong in Solo Q.
  2. Sejuani – Recent changes to the jungle have helped her greatly.
  3. Jarvan IV – He has fallen from grace due to nerfs.
  4. Shaco – He does well in Solo Q, but needs a decent team composition.
  5. Udyr – He has a strong presence in Solo Q and can clear the jungle easily.

Other Contenders

These champions may not be in the top 10, but they still have their strengths:

  • Xin Zhao – Strong pick after jungle changes.
  • Wu Kong – He has great potential, but it’s not allowed to discuss him.
  • Cho’gath – Tanky AP with a lot of CC and great damage ratio.
  • Kha’zix – The evolving hyper carry that can reset his way to a killing spree.

11-20 Junglers

Here are some additional junglers in no particular order: Wu Kong, Rengar, Kha’zix, Cho’gath, Nunu, Hecarim, Amumu, Evelynn, Xin Zhao, Master Yi.

Personal Choice: Cho’gath

I personally like Cho’gath in both lanes and the jungle. He has great AP damage to tank ratio and plenty of CC, but he can be easily kited.

If you have any comments or thoughts, feel free to share below. You can also find my tier lists on along with my other articles and comic series. Thank you for your support and good luck in your games!

TL;DR – This patch brought changes that affected junglers, such as the cost to change jungle items and a shorter smite range. Jarvan has fallen from his top spot.

Solo Q, jungle champions, tier list, patch 5.4, Vi, Lee Sin, Nidalee, Fiddlesticks, Pantheon, Rek’sai, Sejuani, Jarvan IV, Shaco, Udyr, Xin Zhao, Wu Kong, Cho’gath, Kha’zix, jungle changes