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Morgana’s upcoming update may have a teaser in the first of this year’s ranked split rewards

League of Legends Ranked Changes

This year, one of the major changes in the ranked system for League of Legends is the introduction of the new split system.

The ranked season will now be split into three parts, allowing players who participate in all three splits to have a chance at earning the best rewards at the end of the season. Each split will also have its own individual rewards.

Icon Reward Revealed on PBE

A new reward icon has been unveiled on the PBE. However, Riot has yet to confirm who the icon represents or why they were chosen.

Image via Riot Games

Although it’s difficult to determine the exact champion represented due to the limited visibility in the icon, it appears to resemble Morgana’s Victorious skin, which was a ranked reward in 2014.

The similarities between the icon and the victorious skin include the eyes, hair color, crown, makeup, and general face shape. However, there is a slight difference in the hair. In the icon, both sides of the hair hang loose in front of the eyes, while in the skin, only one side hangs loose.

Image via Riot Games

If the icon does represent Victorious Morgana, there are two possible explanations for the hair difference. It could simply be a minor detail that has been overanalyzed, or it could indicate a slight change in Morgana’s appearance when the icon is released. Riot has previously confirmed that they are working on a visual update for Morgana and her sister Kayle.

The question remains: why would Riot award players with an icon of an old ranked skin for participating in a split? Could it be a hint at future rewards, such as the Victorious Morgana skin itself or a chroma or variant of the skin? Only time will tell.

The ranked season is set to begin next month, so we should expect more information soon.