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Misfits ends Excel’s winning streak to kick off week 6 of 2022 LEC Spring Split

Misfits Defeat Excel in 2022 LEC Spring Split

Misfits emerged victorious over Excel in week six of the 2022 LEC Spring Split, securing a spot tied for third place with Fnatic.

While both teams showed stability in kills and dragons, it was Misfits’ advantage in objectives that gave them a significant lead in gold, which they maintained throughout the game.

This match marked the first appearance of Tryndamere in the European League of Legends scene, including both the EU LCS and the present LEC. Finn, Misfits’ top laner, picked Tryndamere as a counter to HiRit’s Graves, aiming to disrupt his early game with aggressive spinning and Ghost. Despite HiRit’s ability to counter Finn’s moves with dashes, Finn managed to splitpush effectively, purchasing a Hullbreaker within 10 minutes.

Excel’s unconventional strategies continued with Mikyx opting for Hail of Blades on Tahm Kench, adopting a more aggressive playstyle as the support. However, this choice turned out to make Mikyx little more than a large meat shield for the team.

As kills and gold funneled into him, Vetheo became the standout player for Misfits. With completed items like Force of Nature and Frozen Heart, his undefeated Ryze dealt significant damage to Excel’s members, while receiving minimal damage from the opposition’s biggest threats. Vetheo’s outstanding performance earned him the title of player of the game, accumulating 17,500 gold by the end of the match.

Excel found it challenging to break through Misfits’ defenses due to the immense damage output from HiRit and Vetheo. As a result, Misfits carried their significant gold lead to victory, winning their first match of the weekend. Tomorrow, they will face MAD Lions as they continue climbing up the LEC ladder.

Mentioned Misfits, Excel, LEC Spring Split, Tryndamere, Finn, HiRit, Graves, Mikyx, Tahm Kench, Vetheo, Ryze, MAD Lions.