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Mid Lane Statistics for NA LCS: Spring 2015

The Mid Lane Position: A Statistical Analysis of NA LCS 2015 Spring Split

The NA LCS 2015 Spring split has come to an end, and now it’s time to look back and analyze the performance of the players. One way to do this is by comparing statistics. Today, we will focus on the Mid lane position and identify some trends.

In this article, I will highlight a few specific stats with charts. However, there are many more statistics available in the sortable table at the bottom of this article.

Earned Gold Differential at 10 Minutes

The “Earned Gold Differential at 10 Minutes” statistic measures the difference in gold earned by the Mid lane player and their opponent at the 10-minute mark. This difference is then averaged across all games. It’s important to note that rounding errors may have a small influence on the values.

Bjergsen stands out with impressive early advantages. In 26 games, he was only behind his lane opponent in gold at 10 minutes once. On the other hand, players like mancloud, Pobelter, and Shiphtur struggled to keep up in gold over the first 10 minutes. It’s essential to consider gank priorities and early game strategies when analyzing these numbers.

Damage to Champions per Minute

The “Damage to Champions per Minute” statistic is calculated separately for each game and then averaged across all games. It’s important to note that this stat can be inflated by playing longer games or playing high-poke champions.

Once again, Bjergsen stands out with the highest volume of damage dealt to champions. FeniX, Link, and XiaoWeiXiao also had high damage outputs. While Hai had a below-average damage output, it’s important to consider that Cloud9 played in the least bloody games of any NA LCS team, resulting in fewer opportunities to deal damage compared to other Mid laners.

Damage Share and Gold Share

Damage share and gold share are two statistics that influence each other. Bjergsen stands out with the highest share of TSM’s damage, while players like Link and XiaoWeiXiao impress with their damage share despite a below-average share of team gold. It’s important to consider the context and champion type when analyzing these numbers.

Some other highlights from these statistics include Bjergsen’s high KDA ratio, Link and Bjergsen’s high kill participation, Hai’s impressive warding output, and Link’s high gold per minute despite a below-average gold share.


These statistics provide valuable insights into the performances of Mid laners in the NA LCS 2015 Spring split. It’s important to remember that statistics are just one tool for assessing player performance and should always be considered in context with other factors such as play style, champions used, and game length.

NA LCS, Spring split, Mid lane, statistics, analysis, Bjergsen, Link, FeniX, XiaoWeiXiao, gold differential, damage to champions, damage share, gold share, warding